I have also a PVR-500, but it does not work. The Scan for Tv Channels is very fast, but no channels were be found. The error.log contains some errors:
What could be wrong?
Thank you
2008-09-23 22:49:08.361856 [7]: analog: AddTvTunerFilter failed:0x80040154
2008-09-23 22:49:08.361856 [7]: Exception :TvLibrary.TvException: Unable to add tvtuner to graph
bei TvLibrary.Implementations.Analog.TvCardAnalog.AddTvTunerFilter()
bei TvLibrary.Implementations.Analog.TvCardAnalog.BuildGraph()
Exception :Unable to add tvtuner to graph
site :Void AddTvTunerFilter()
source :TVLibrary
stacktrace: bei TvLibrary.Implementations.Analog.TvCardAnalog.AddTvTunerFilter()
bei TvLibrary.Implementations.Analog.TvCardAnalog.BuildGraph()
What could be wrong?
Thank you