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Hi Paul,

What kind of movies? Do you try to play DVD's or XViD/DiVX movies? You state you've tried different settings; did you also try to switch between overlay and VMR9? You say you've tried different codecs, but did you also check with GraphEdit if the codec you've selected was actually used when watching a movie?

Could you clarify this? I don't understand what you're trying to explain here.

If you're watching movies, the OSD is only shown when you press "Y" on your keyboard (or whatever key from your remote is mapped to that). It is not shown by default. AFAIK there is no way to configure MP so movies don't start fullscreen. But you could try to press Escape immediately after starting to play a movie. This switches back to MP and leaves the movie playing in the lower left corner.

Could you give us some more insight on the type of hardware you're using? Maybe one of the logfiles in C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\Mediaportal\log\ shows any errors? Please also fill in the support template, which you can find here:

I hope you can give us some more info, so we can help you to get MP running the way it should.

Kind regards,


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