How to update infos and covers? (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
November 17, 2007
I made an import session for all my movies (a thousand or so) and a certain number where found only with imdb.
I would like to reimport them with mymovies scraper as i'm italian. If a use the "rfresh from" option the movie goes to the importer tab, the right match is automatically selected and the infos are downloaded.
But if i come back to the movie manager i found the old, english, infos!

Am i doing something wrong?

Another question is: i manually downloaded from internet a fanart for a movie and i placed it in the same folder of the avi file naming it "backdrop.jpg".
Should MP detect it automatically?It doesn't. I also tried to refresh the infos for the movie and to add it manually with the function "load coverart from file" but the fanart doesn't show.

Thanks for your work and help !:D


Portal Pro
January 11, 2008
Home Country
Germany Germany
i manually downloaded from internet a fanart for a movie and i placed it in the same folder of the avi file naming it "backdrop.jpg".
Should MP detect it automatically?
You must activate the option for this inside Moving Pictures-Configuration.


Portal Pro
November 17, 2007
i manually downloaded from internet a fanart for a movie and i placed it in the same folder of the avi file naming it "backdrop.jpg".
Should MP detect it automatically?
You must activate the option for this inside Moving Pictures-Configuration.

Sorry, i forgot to mention that i already activated that option both for folder.jpg and backdrop.jpg.
Any other clue?:D

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