HowTo Improve Movie & Music database speed 1,000 times (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
July 16, 2006
rtv said:
This might be because idActor isn't unique. To fix your db try this

Re actorinfo_idActor, actorinfomovies_idActor

Hmmm yer I forgot I filled these 2 tables with dummy data during the intial migration of my myth db so the later looked unique - doh!
That said I agree actorinfomoves_idActor is clearly not UNIQUE, but actorinfo_idActor does look like it should be UNIQUE to me? and looks like it could just be merged into the actor table. I've now removed both those indexes from the Original Post as I cannot see them being used much, cheers for the pointer.


New Member
January 2, 2008
You just saved me a couple of hours of hair pulling! And I only have a few hundred entries in movide DB! Before adding indexes configurator just slams CPU to the top, now it's vay much faster. Thanks!

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