HTPC won't go in standby after 30 minutes (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
July 29, 2012
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands

Every monday and friday at 13:00 my htpc makes a backup using acronis 2014. So today it made a backup at 13:00. After this the htpc should go into standby again. I've configured powerscheduler in Mediaportal TV Server to do this. It's set to profile HTPC and to sleep the pc after 30 minutes i've also disabled all other tabs which can prevent this from happening(epg grabbing etc). The problem is it doesn't work and the pc will never go into standby again till I manually do this. I've been running "powercfg -requests" to see what's the cause of this. It always report "[DRIVER] Legacy Kernel Caller" like below:

C:\WINDOWS\system32>powercfg -requests

[DRIVER] Legacy Kernel Caller




The problem is, I think Legacy kernel caller is tvservice. For example when I open TV Server configuration it goes away, when I close it again it's back. It's also back after a reboot etc. I've seen various topics from the last few years which talk about the same behaviour of tvserver but I've not seen a fix yet. I've included all my logs so maybe someone can help me with a fix.

My system:
Mediaportal 1.10 Pre
Windows 8.1 X64
Intel I5 2500
Anysee E30TC and Anysee E7TC

I hope anyone can help me fix this and get the pc to go automatically in standby after 30 minutes.

Thanks in advance


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    Can you test if disabling the "grab EPG while idle" changes the standby behavior? Change the Windows timeout to 2-3 minutes for testing too so that it's faster. If the PC now goes into standby you need to configure your EPG differently.[DOUBLEPOST=1418398463][/DOUBLEPOST]@killer8 , I was replying based on your log only, and just saw that you have already tried to disable the EPG grabber completely. I would be interested though to see the log without EPG. Would you mind collecting a new log? (please delete the existing logs on your PC first, otherwise it will just append to the current one).
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    Portal Pro
    July 29, 2012
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    hi @HTPC_Sourcer yes i've already disabled epg grabber, not the whole epg but the epg tab in powerscheduler. I've included screenshots of my powerscheduler config maybe something is wrong.

    I will now remove my logs and give it another try. Will post the zip soon.[DOUBLEPOST=1418403246][/DOUBLEPOST]I've set the standby time to 3 minutes and it still didn't go in standby. I've included a new watchdog zip and removed all others logs before starting mp.


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    Retired Team Member
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  • May 16, 2008
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    Please disable epg completely. I suspect that your PC could run in an endless loop.


    Portal Pro
    July 29, 2012
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    Oke, I've disabled both "EPG grabbing while timeshifting/recording" and "EPG grabbing while idle" and set the standby time to 3 minutes again.

    After disabling both options standby just works fine and "[DRIVER] Legacy Kernel Caller" is gone when running "powercfg -requests"

    I also tried both options seperately and when just "EPG grabbing while timeshifting/recording" is enabled standby still works so the problem is with "EPG grabbing while idle" which prevents standby even when this option is disabled in powerscheduler.

    I think this is a bug in mp tv right? Or is there any fix available?

    Anyway I've added my logs again from the working standby.


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  • May 16, 2008
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    OK then, as I thought. The problem is that you most certainly have ticked too many channels to be stored. Read the respective part in the wiki to better understand what the "store only selected channels" brings as results and consequences. If you need additional explanations, then just ask again here


    Portal Pro
    July 29, 2012
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands

    I'm not using "store data only for selected channels" however i've ticked all channels. I've read the information available on the wiki here but it seems it will grab all channels incase this checkbox isn't ticked. This is correct since I prefer to have EPG data where available because this way I can see what's on the specifc channel even before selecting it when zapping or have an overall overview in the tv guide.

    I've included screenshots of my epg configuration. Maybe you have a hint on what to change.

    Beside this, I don't get how this can influence the standby timer. I mean I've unchecked "Do not put the computer to sleep while grabbing EPG" in Powerscheduler. So it should go in standby even when it's grabbing EPG data right? That's also what I would like to let it grab EPG data when idle or watching tv and when I don't use it for 30 minutes it should go into standby and resume grabbing EPG when started again and is idle/watching again. Shouldn't this be the normal flow?

    I also don't see anything in the wiki about too many channels so I guess this should just work?


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  • May 16, 2008
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    1. As long as the system is grabbing EPG, it is not idle => no standby
    2. Your EPG grabbing will provably never stop.

    The reason for 2 is that broadcaster of a channel is sending EPG not just for this channel but transmission can be for many. In your case NPO 1 will transmit EPG data for this channel, which gets stored AND will also broadcast data for NPO 2, which then gets stored on top. The same happens for other channels whose data is broadcasted on NPO 1. When all data is received on this channel, the grabber moves on to say NPO 2 and the whole cycle starts again. As a result the grabbing process until you are through with all the channels takes longer than the wait for idle time and consequently the system never reaches the idle status.

    What you need to do is to minimize the number of channels ticked. Try to select only one channel per provider and then verify what EPG data is received. You can delete all epg data from with tv server config. You may also set the time for the idle grabber to 2-3 min, which will speed up the process. This approach may work. Unfortunately there are providers who transmit 14 day program for the selected Channel together with data for all the mother's, but for much less time, often two days only.

    The final solution really depends on your particular situation, there is no one size fits all approach.


    Portal Pro
    July 29, 2012
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    That makes it much more clear:) Thank you @HTPC_Sourcer I will have another look and do some testing with different configs.[DOUBLEPOST=1418568107][/DOUBLEPOST]I had only NPO 1 checked for EPG but when doing this I got no EPG at all. Is there any easy way to see which channels have EPG streams and maybe also what's included in this stream?
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    Retired Team Member
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  • May 16, 2008
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    Is there any easy way to see which channels have EPG streams and maybe also what's included in this stream?
    No, you'll ned to test this. Or use an alternative source of EPG.[DOUBLEPOST=1418582083][/DOUBLEPOST]By the way: Pls set thread to [No Bug]

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