HTPCInfo plugin v1.15.0 for MediaPortal 1.3.0 and higher (11 Viewers)


Portal Pro
January 12, 2009
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands
Re: HTPCInfo plugin for MediaPortal v1.0.7

can someone help me please !!

i can not get the network traffic (bytes send and received) to work.
it also does not display my tv card.
it says, tv card-type, disabled on

i got a dvb-c card with cam, i can watch tv and record so it's working.
i've attached a screenshot and logs files for what it's worth.

used the search engine but i cannot find the answer.

thanks in advance.


  • Image1.jpg
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  • July 27, 2007
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    Re: HTPCInfo plugin for MediaPortal v1.0.7

    Actually I'd like some better documentation too - there is very little info as to put what in which box...
    Also from time to time mine decides not to show some info, try again later and It'll be OK. Not too worried 'bout it though, that's why I'm not posting logs etc...


    Portal Pro
    July 26, 2008
    AW: HTPCInfo plugin for MediaPortal v1.0.7

    Hi, I've tried this plugin with MP 1.0.x and it worked fine (after struggling how to setup this with Speedfan...). "HTPCInfo TVServerMonitor" didn't worked.
    Now I've installed MP RC5 and tried "HTPCInfo TVServerMonitor" again, it didn't work neither. It always says "TVServer: myip - searching...". Starting it with admin rights or disabling the firewall didn't helped.

    Has anybody an idea what I can do to solve this problem?

    Thank you for this plugin and the server monitor,


    Portal Pro
    January 12, 2009
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    Re: HTPCInfo plugin for MediaPortal v1.0.7

    same problem here, but no one wants to help or they are all on vacation ;)


    Portal Pro
    July 22, 2009
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Re: HTPCInfo plugin for MediaPortal v1.0.7

    Hi dangerzone, mp-user,
    to solve your problems, please follow these steps:
    • TVServer Monitor: please use the command line options: "HTPCInfo TVServerMonitor.exe <ip-address> <refreshrate>" (replace <ip-adress> with IP address or your HTPC and <refresh-rate> with a second based value)
    • HTPCInfo: please create a network device in the configuration tab "Network", enable this with the appropriate checkbox, go to tab "Monitoring", set the option "Monitor TV Server" to "Network IP Address" and select your defined network device.

    Normally, HTPCInfo use the first network card of your HTPC to find the TVServer. Maybe, if a system contains more than 1 network card (and IP adress), this problem can occur.

    dangerzone: Regarding your traffic display problem, please give me a hint, which value is displayed if you use the property #HTPCInfo.NetworkDeviceCount.

    SpudR: feel free to create a better documentation, support is welcome.

    Cheers, Micropolis ;-)


    Portal Pro
    January 12, 2009
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    Re: HTPCInfo plugin for MediaPortal v1.0.7

    Hi dangerzone, mp-user,
    to solve your problems, please follow these steps:
    • TVServer Monitor: please use the command line options: "HTPCInfo TVServerMonitor.exe <ip-address> <refreshrate>" (replace <ip-adress> with IP address or your HTPC and <refresh-rate> with a second based value)

      it says: tvserver: - searching....

    • HTPCInfo: please create a network device in the configuration tab "Network", enable this with the appropriate checkbox, go to tab "Monitoring", set the option "Monitor TV Server" to "Network IP Address" and select your defined network device.

    did it but no changes.

    Normally, HTPCInfo use the first network card of your HTPC to find the TVServer. Maybe, if a system contains more than 1 network card (and IP adress), this problem can occur.

    i got just one network card.

    @dangerzone: Regarding your traffic display problem, please give me a hint, which value is displayed if you use the property #HTPCInfo.NetworkDeviceCount.

    this is weird, it says 14: i just got 1 ?

    Cheers, Micropolis ;-)

    i have made screenshots so you can see what i have changed en what the screens in htpcinfo looks like.
    a couple posts up are my log files or do you need new ones ?.

    Thanks so far for your help.


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    • network device.jpg
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    • system.jpg
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    Portal Pro
    July 22, 2009
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Re: HTPCInfo plugin for MediaPortal v1.0.7

    Hi dangerzone,
    after taking a look into your log files, I cannot see problems regarding your TVServer configuration.
    On your second screenshot I can see, only the IPTV Source Filter is enabled for Is this correct? To see all network devices inside the computer management, please enable the option "show hidden devices", maybe now you can find all 14 devices.

    Another hint: Your mediaportal.log says "HTPC Info: Frequency Performance Counter Initialization Error.". Could you please start mediaportal with administrative privileges? What is the result?

    Cheers, Micropolis ;-)


    Portal Pro
    January 12, 2009
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    Re: HTPCInfo plugin for MediaPortal v1.0.7

    Hi dangerzone,
    after taking a look into your log files, I cannot see problems regarding your TVServer configuration.
    On your second screenshot I can see, only the IPTV Source Filter is enabled for Is this correct?

    no. all 3 are enabled:

    enabled priority name
    yes 3 FireDTV BDA Tuner DVBC
    yes 2 MediaPortal IPTV Source Filter
    yes 1 RadioWebStream Card (Builtin)

    strange that the RadioWebStream Card and the FireDTV BDA Tuner are listed as unknown and disabled ?

    To see all network devices inside the computer management, please enable the option "show hidden devices", maybe now you can find all 14 devices.

    Yes you are right, 14 cards and the most are wan miniport things.
    teredo tunneling pseudo-interface ?
    microsoft ISATAP adapter
    microsoft ISATAP adapter #2

    When i disable the microsoft ISATAP adapters the network traffic starts counting :D
    I do not now if i need them but i will find out if something goes wrong.

    Another hint: Your mediaportal.log says "HTPC Info: Frequency Performance Counter Initialization Error.". Could you please start mediaportal with administrative privileges? What is the result?

    i did a rightclick on mediaportal and start with administrative privileges, but no difference.
    Frequency Performance Counter Initialization Error is stil in the log file.

    Cheers, Micropolis ;-)

    1 down, 1 to go :D


    disable microsoft ISATAP adapters is a no go. :mad:
    when i reboot there's another one.

    so microsoft ISATAP
    microsoft ISATAP #2
    microsoft ISATAP #3

    and so on, Any workaround for this ?


    Portal Pro
    July 22, 2009
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Re: HTPCInfo plugin for MediaPortal v1.0.7

    Hi dangerzone,
    really, strange situation. In my opinion there is no workaround to disable the ISATAP drivers, it is a operating system component to support the Intrasite Automatic Tunnel Addressing Protocol.
    My last idea to solve the network device problem (and also the related TVServer issue) is to use IP address in the configuration. This IP address points to your local machine.
    If this won't work, it seems I must build up a test machine with Win7 x64.

    Cheers, Micropolis ;-)

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