If i delete a physical file, will the DB entry be remved automatically? (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
November 8, 2007
Home Country
Norway Norway

Im just wondering what happens to the database when i delete an episode from my external storage. Will the DB entry be removed aswell, automatically? If not, it'll be alot of hassel finding the entries that's not there anymore (since it's on a network storage)

And on another note, will episodes automatically get importet into MP if it's in an import folder? If so, how often?




Portal Pro
September 3, 2008
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands
Im just wondering what happens to the database when i delete an episode from my external storage. Will the DB entry be removed aswell, automatically?
Yes, however, there is a setting that can prevent this from happening (when the plugin can't connect to the network storage, is the file gone or is the connection not available).
It's "keep references to files..." in the configuration

And on another note, will episodes automatically get importet into MP if it's in an import folder? If so, how often?
As far as I know, on changes. Everytime something is added (or removed), the database gets updated. This only if the file can be parsed by the parsing expression.


Portal Pro
November 8, 2007
Home Country
Norway Norway
Im just wondering what happens to the database when i delete an episode from my external storage. Will the DB entry be removed aswell, automatically?
Yes, however, there is a setting that can prevent this from happening (when the plugin can't connect to the network storage, is the file gone or is the connection not available).
It's "keep references to files..." in the configuration

So you're saying that i can have it so it gets automatically deleted if i delete the file, but then everything would get removed if the server gets turned off? So my two options are to either have alot of entries that just sits there without having a file connected to it or risk losing the entire collection if the server gets turned off?


Portal Pro
September 3, 2008
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands
you could also enable show only local episodes. So basically only episodes that are physically there. And keep references and enable the removable box.
It's such an extended plugin, almost any possibility has been thought of ;)
I'm saying there are a lot of possibilities, not just 2.


Portal Pro
November 8, 2007
Home Country
Norway Norway
hehe, i just need one of them.


I've got a folder where all the new series gets downloaded/ripped to. Let's call it "New series folder" Every now and then i 'clean' up and move the shows to their appropriate folders. So, what i want is the plugin to automatically update their new paths, seing that both of them are in the 'import path' tab.

So, delete the old one, add the new one.

The way i see it, there are 3 options controlling it.

1. Keep reference to files that are no longer available on computer (Well, the old entries wont get deleted if this one is ticked on(?))
2. Only show episodes that are available on computer (Under the description it says 'locally' so im guessing it doesnt count for network storage? Anyhow, if this is ticked everything would get deleted if the network storage is offline?)
3. Tick the 'Removable' box under Import Paths (dunno what this really does :))

So what i'm looking for is the best combo that makes it work. I've played around with alot of combos, but havent found the right one. :D

Any ideas?

(Currently the htpc has number 1 and 2 ticked on. And the result from that is that i get double entries if i move an episode around. i ALSO get the "not available" icon poping up, even though i can enter a show and play an episode just fine. There's a X over the wathced/unwatched icon. Any idea what is causing this?)


Portal Pro
December 4, 2007
Home Country
Spain Spain
Is really easy: check as removable only your network storage and uncheck the "keep reference..." option. This way the entries of your network will be safe and local deleted files will be removed. Woul be a great idea to check as removable also the dvd path if you have episodes burned to dvds


Portal Pro
November 8, 2007
Home Country
Norway Norway
Ok, im gonna do a test run and get back to you with my results, if they're satisfying or not :D Thanks!


Portal Pro
November 8, 2007
Home Country
Norway Norway
Doesnt work. :/

Removable: ON
Keep refrence: OFF

There was one episode of 24 in my temp folder. And the rest of the episodes of the 1st season in a different folder.
I imported it all. So inside MP it showed the entire complete season.

Then i moved that one episode from my temp folder to into the folder with all the other episodes and started up MediaPortal. and this is what i got:

Edit: So the only thing missing is the that old ep that's not attached to any files gets deleted, automatically.

Edit2: I noticed that the episode that has the "Please insert disk" message has "Removable" in the episode config automatically set to _1_. While the rest of the episodes are set to _0_. (Removable for the entire import path is set to YES)

Edit3: When i press refresh parse this message pops up: "Warning: Could not add Volume Label/Removable Property to episode - are you using these as a capture group?" could someone tell me what it means? :D


  • before.JPG
    256.1 KB
  • after1.JPG
    284.9 KB
  • after2.JPG
    189.8 KB

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