IMDb+ Plugin with IMDb+ Scraper (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
November 13, 2010
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Netherlands Netherlands
Patience I have plenty. No rush whatsoever.
I edited my first post and added all IMDB tt-numbers to the files. Is that sufficient? Then I'll edit my other posts also.


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  • March 10, 2006
    Patience I have plenty. No rush whatsoever.
    I edited my first post and added all IMDB tt-numbers to the files. Is that sufficient? Then I'll edit my other posts also.
    The way I am forced to obtain the English title when IMDb is translating the page to Dutch is annoying.

    Easiest way would be for you to force Moving-Pictures to use a VPN that forces to show you US page, because then you have none of these localisation issues. But I did play around with tricking before but never got that fully integrated. The existing method does work, but it relies heavy on advanced RegEx detection, and I fear with all the changes they have done that this broke down.

    And yes, those tt-IDs are very useful, but the core issue is pretty much the same for all, so if I fix it for one movie, they normally all get fixed, so don't put too much effort into it.

    For now you have two workarounds available, and that is to overwrite the title via XML rename, or to use a VPN on the machine where Moving-Pictures scrapes from (if it's a dedicated HTPC that will be easy).

    Instead of a full rewrite which I've dreaded for years, I'll see if I can do a temporary fix on search-node and details-node to deal with localization. That might have a major impact in how IMDb+ works, but we'll cross that bridge when I get there.


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  • February 26, 2010
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    For some reason it seems that the imdb+ scraper is not updated automatically anymore. it remains stuck at 4.10.7, even though it records that it has done a 'scraper update check' recently (as per the imdb+ info window). Is there a way to manually do an update? my understanding is the latest version is 4.10.10. Many thanks.


    Portal Pro
    November 13, 2010
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    @ejvdh: I had the same question in 2019 about manually doing an update and got this answer from @RoChess:

    @fredco, those are settings within the main MediaPortal.xml config file.

    You should be able to modify those with the MediaPortal Extension plugin in GUI -- Extensions

    Or open the mediaportal XML config file with notepad or alike and look for IMDbplus config section.

    Specifically look for: IMDbPlus > plugin_options_sync_interval that has default value of 24 to lower impact on website

    What I would recommend though (setting I use myself) is to change "plugin_options_sync_on_startup" to 'yes'.

    That way everytime you launch MediaPortal it forces a new update, so it only adds extra pressure on website when you close/open MediaPortal

    They do ban IPs when they detect abuse, but it is powered by massive infrastructure that Amazon owns, so you'd have to go really crazy :D
    Last edited:


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  • February 26, 2010
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    Thanks for that. But this is not about an update from the website, this is about downloading the latest imdb+ scraper from github (or somewhere else), which doesn't seem to happen. Where is the scraper file stored and is there a way to manually download the latest version and overwrite the old one?


    Extension Developer
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  • March 10, 2006
    Thanks for that. But this is not about an update from the website, this is about downloading the latest imdb+ scraper from github (or somewhere else), which doesn't seem to happen. Where is the scraper file stored and is there a way to manually download the latest version and overwrite the old one?
    You've run into a rare situation where Moving-Pictures gets confused and picks an old 'scraper_script' table entry than the latest one added.
    Never been able to figure out what causes it, because it happens very random, but the solution is easy (just irritating).
    You need to open the DB3 database file with your preferred SQLite editor (I use SQLite Express Personal edition), and then switch to the scraper script table, and locate the latest v4.10.10 entry (which you can verify at: Commits · RoChess/IMDbPlus) and then copy the content to your clipboard.
    Then locate the misbehaving v4.10.7 entry, and overwrite it by pasting your clipboard content.


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  • February 26, 2010
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    Thanks! Never edited this database before, but I managed to do it. Any reason why all the old scripts remain in the database, instead of overwriting them with the latest version?


    Extension Developer
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  • March 10, 2006
    Historical reasons, so that if you update to a new version and it fails, you can go back to old one. As to why it keeps more than just the "previous" one, that I don't know. Probably made sense when it was designed (y)


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  • July 25, 2007
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    Australia Australia
    Hi, I have noticed that for about the last month or two, the IMDB+ scraper is not filling all media fields. In the example picture you can see,
    Runtime, Language, tagline, collections and maybe some more.
    Can anyone confirm this?
    I am is Perth Australia using IMDB+ English scraper version and Australian certification.
    I've attached logs after sending the movie "Scanners" back to the importer.


    • Screenshot 2022-01-19 140837.jpg
      Screenshot 2022-01-19 140837.jpg
      188.6 KB
      13.9 KB


    Extension Developer
  • Premium Supporter
  • March 10, 2006
    Hi, I have noticed that for about the last month or two, the IMDB+ scraper is not filling all media fields. In the example picture you can see,
    Runtime, Language, tagline, collections and maybe some more.
    Can anyone confirm this?
    I am is Perth Australia using IMDB+ English scraper version and Australian certification.
    I've attached logs after sending the movie "Scanners" back to the importer.

    Hi Lichloathe, probably changed HTML again when Moving-Pictures fetch the sources. But that means I need those HTML codes which do not go into the logs unless you do extra steps.

    In the movingpictures.log you should be able to search for "***********" to view the HTML sources.

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