What version of Mediaportal are you using?I have relocated 150 movies to another drive, so I had Moving Pictures rescrape them again.
You need to add your logs for imdb+ and moving pictures.
What version of Mediaportal are you using?I have relocated 150 movies to another drive, so I had Moving Pictures rescrape them again.
I would, but make sure you download the x86 version as the x64 version does not work yet.Should I upgrade to 1.32?
Yes, those logs. Will try to have a look later.You mean this?
I also enjoyed using IMDB+ until it stopped working and that's the workaround I came up with after a lot of testing.Thanks for your elaborate answer!
I did find a problem with the dialog boxes in IMDB+ and did some tweaks to get it to work without crashing. I have attached the dll. Backup the current one and try using it. C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\plugins\WindowsI have done the following: installed 1.32 x86, plugins were all at the latest version already. Running import in Moving Pictures: same thing. All movies being picked up by themoviedb.org and NOT IMDb+. I also tried your attached script: no change.
Try to import the movies again and check the Debug logs and see if IMDB+ tries to import them.I have 1.500+ movies and almost every movie is found by IMDb+.
IMDB+ does not find a movie unless it has the imdb number in the filename because it's not working for some reason.
No need, I updated the IMDB+ Scraper to work with the movie name and year. The original version only worked on the movie name and as you know is currently broken due to IMBD website updates.So something has changed the past few months, because I never needed the IMDB-number in the filename. Also, versions of Moving Pictures and IMDB+ also haven't changed. Any ideas?
Now I need to add IMDB-numbers to 1.500+ movies! Not a small task, but if it makes IMDB+ working again, it's worth it...