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MP2 already supports online sources to download information about movies and series, along with fanart images.
We also have a MedadataExtractor ("MDE") plugin (https://forum.team-mediaportal.com/threads/nfo-metadata-extractor-plugin.110673/) to read .nfo files. This is used to fill in movie details, like full name, year, cast, rating a.s.o.
But fanart is missing in this support. Here's a good quote (german post) why we should support local fanart:
How does MP2 deal with fanart?
[Style] -> [FanartImageSource] -> http -> [FanartService] -> [IFanartProvider] -> local storage (library cache)
There are already multiple IFanartProviders registered (series, movies, TV channel logos), all implement the interface: https://github.com/MediaPortal/Medi...tService.Interfaces/IFanArtService.cs#L53-L71
To add support for local fanart storage, a new IFanartProvider must be developed that is able to lookup correct results from local filesystem.
Current implementation has a problem with this approach: the fanart is only loaded by "Name". So we probably need to extent this interface to pass other information, like MediaItem's GUID, which can be used to look into MediaLibrary for real local filesystem path and than check for associated fanart.
@hafblade, would you like to continue your work on https://forum.team-mediaportal.com/threads/nfo-metadata-extractor-plugin.110673/ and extend it with "local fanart" support? I think @Lehmden can provide help and probably a good testing playground for this feature
I'm ready to extend/change fanart retrieval to use more detailed parameters then the plain "Name" only.
What do you think about this idea?
We also have a MedadataExtractor ("MDE") plugin (https://forum.team-mediaportal.com/threads/nfo-metadata-extractor-plugin.110673/) to read .nfo files. This is used to fill in movie details, like full name, year, cast, rating a.s.o.
But fanart is missing in this support. Here's a good quote (german post) why we should support local fanart:
Punkt 3 Die Scrapper. Grundsätzlich funktionieren die Srapper ja. Aber bei solch großen Sammlungen wie Meiner ist es unumgänglich, auch Offline- Datenquellen nutzen zu können. Ich habe ca 6 GB Fanart allein für TV Serien. Die kann ich nicht andauernd wieder neu aus dem Netz laden. Mein Internet Zugang ist auf 5 GB pro Monat mit vollem (UMTS) Tempo begrenzt, da sind 6 GB Fanart Arbeit für mehrere Monate... Ich denke, hier kann man "schamlos" bei XBMC "abkupfern" und dabei das Ganze natürlich noch mal viel besser machen. Die Scrapper für die Meta Daten sollten zuerst nach Metatags in den Dateien schauen. (das geht aktuell ja schon, sogar bei Videos und ist z.Z. ein echtes Highlight und Alleinstellungsmerkmal). Sind diese nicht vorhanden (z.B. weil es sich nicht um MKV Videos handelt), so sollte als nächstes nach lokalen und XBMC/Ember kompatiblen .nfo Dateien geschaut werden. Und erst dann, also wenn sonst gar nichts geht, werden Online Daten abgerufen. Ich kann gerne diverse entsprechende .nfo Dateien (auch für Serien) zur Verfügung stellen. Bei Fanart (Background, Cover, Poster, Banner, Thumbnails,...) sollte auch zuerst lokal nach Dateien geschaut werden, bevor diese Online geladen werden.
How does MP2 deal with fanart?
- MDEs are running in specific order: "low level" to detect video files, "extended" to read external local content (like .nfo, .xml) and "online" which downloads content
- MDEs detect movies and series and download information from internet. The result is stored in local cache.
- The matching of original title <-> online resource is also stored locally and will be used for identifying the associated fanart to given movie name later
- Retrieved content is stored inside so called MediaAspects (MovieAspect, SeriesAspect). It also contains info like IMDBID
- Each MediaItem has a style attached, where they layout is defined: like thumbnail source, title, size or what we like to show. We can use any available property from all MediaAspects. For loading fanart we are currently using only the movie/series name to load poster, banners or fanart backgrounds. Example: https://github.com/MediaPortal/Medi...mes/default/styles/MediaStyles.xaml#L819-L820
[Style] -> [FanartImageSource] -> http -> [FanartService] -> [IFanartProvider] -> local storage (library cache)
There are already multiple IFanartProviders registered (series, movies, TV channel logos), all implement the interface: https://github.com/MediaPortal/Medi...tService.Interfaces/IFanArtService.cs#L53-L71
To add support for local fanart storage, a new IFanartProvider must be developed that is able to lookup correct results from local filesystem.
Current implementation has a problem with this approach: the fanart is only loaded by "Name". So we probably need to extent this interface to pass other information, like MediaItem's GUID, which can be used to look into MediaLibrary for real local filesystem path and than check for associated fanart.
@hafblade, would you like to continue your work on https://forum.team-mediaportal.com/threads/nfo-metadata-extractor-plugin.110673/ and extend it with "local fanart" support? I think @Lehmden can provide help and probably a good testing playground for this feature
I'm ready to extend/change fanart retrieval to use more detailed parameters then the plain "Name" only.
What do you think about this idea?
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