Importing Library (1 Viewer)


New Member
February 16, 2009
Home Country
Switzerland Switzerland
Hello Guys,

I just today installed Media Portal to try it out as an alternative to Media Center, and am amazed so far.
However, I have a huge series library with the following format:

| Prison Break |
| Season 1 |
|1. Pilot
|2. Allen
|3. Cell Test
|4. Cute Poison
|Season 2 |
|1. Manhunt
|2. Otis
|3. Scan
|4. First Down

... etc.

The import function did not recognize this format. I am now desperate to somehow get it to work, but I doubt it is possible with a new Regex function, since the Series name is a folder, the season name is a folder, and only the episode number and title are represented in the actual file name. Do you guys have suggestions how I could set this up?

I would prefer not to manually rewrite the whole series library (which is just massive).

Thanks in advance :)


New Member
February 16, 2009
Home Country
Switzerland Switzerland
Yeah they do :) It is mostly avi, but a mkv is met from time to time

I posted it in the stickied thread.

Thanks a lot!

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