After playing a bit more with the site I have some comments...
- It would be nice to have te option to stay logged in, so I won't have to log in every time I find a stream I like or want to add a stream.
- I found it a little anoying that I had to select the filters (language, genre...) again every time I added streams to my playlit. For me it would be more logical if I'd be returned to exactly the page where I clicked the "add" button.
- Maybe you sepperate the rating of a stream in two parts. The quality of the stream (availability, picture quality, bitrate would be covered by that) and one for the quality of the programs it broadcasts. I think it is wise to not have the option to fill in a 'pixel quality' (like 640/480) or a 'bitstream quality' (like 1500Kb) when adding a stream. This information would be irrelyable a lot of times and it would make it more comlicated to ad a stream.
- Found the somewhat unclear to see which rating belonged to what stream. Could be me....
- I would like to be able to show all streams on one page.
- I like it that I can still see the streams I have already in my playlist, and that they are grayed out. But there is a bug. Some stations are showing twice after being added to my playlist. One enabled and one disabled.
- Maybe you could let links open in a new window. Because if a streams does no longer exist and I try to watch the stream, I get redirected to a '404' page (i.a.). This means the items I had selected to be added to my playlist arn't selected anymore. I'd rather have to close a window every time. But that might only be me.
Am other (maybe even better) option would be to let the stream be opened in a popup with a embeded instance op Windows Mediaplayer, Realplayer of Quicktime.
- Functionality that gives users the option to filter by the date a stream is added and if possible a startpage that shows all streams added since the users last visit. If this would be added, I would check the site probebly every day.
- Maybe in the future it would be nice to be able to look in other users playlists and have 'buddy's'. Because of the large amount of streams it would be nice to have the ability to let people with a simular taste choose streams for you
Just doing (or making?) some suggestions I still love your project! Especialy the 'wiki' character it has.
Sorry for my English.
- It would be nice to have te option to stay logged in, so I won't have to log in every time I find a stream I like or want to add a stream.
- I found it a little anoying that I had to select the filters (language, genre...) again every time I added streams to my playlit. For me it would be more logical if I'd be returned to exactly the page where I clicked the "add" button.
- Maybe you sepperate the rating of a stream in two parts. The quality of the stream (availability, picture quality, bitrate would be covered by that) and one for the quality of the programs it broadcasts. I think it is wise to not have the option to fill in a 'pixel quality' (like 640/480) or a 'bitstream quality' (like 1500Kb) when adding a stream. This information would be irrelyable a lot of times and it would make it more comlicated to ad a stream.
- Found the somewhat unclear to see which rating belonged to what stream. Could be me....
- I would like to be able to show all streams on one page.
- I like it that I can still see the streams I have already in my playlist, and that they are grayed out. But there is a bug. Some stations are showing twice after being added to my playlist. One enabled and one disabled.
- Maybe you could let links open in a new window. Because if a streams does no longer exist and I try to watch the stream, I get redirected to a '404' page (i.a.). This means the items I had selected to be added to my playlist arn't selected anymore. I'd rather have to close a window every time. But that might only be me.
Am other (maybe even better) option would be to let the stream be opened in a popup with a embeded instance op Windows Mediaplayer, Realplayer of Quicktime.
- Functionality that gives users the option to filter by the date a stream is added and if possible a startpage that shows all streams added since the users last visit. If this would be added, I would check the site probebly every day.
- Maybe in the future it would be nice to be able to look in other users playlists and have 'buddy's'. Because of the large amount of streams it would be nice to have the ability to let people with a simular taste choose streams for you
Just doing (or making?) some suggestions I still love your project! Especialy the 'wiki' character it has.
Sorry for my English.