- Thread starter
- #51
I have however some issues with the layout. The Vlc preview window isn't at the bottom left but at the middle left and a bit offscreen. Second the channel list starts at the same position where the screenname is "My IPTV"
The only buttons i see is open recordings and open playlist (not record?)
When i exit IpTV and return to the main screen and open IpTV again the playlist is loaded twice...same channels 2 times...
Owh...and i'm using the Blue Two wide skin..maybe that helps
- About the layout issues: I haven't made a 16:9 skin, because I don't have a 16:9 TV
- Record button: I use a remote that has a record button on it, so there's no need for me to create a button for that. However, it is not a problem to add it. I was also thinking of adding a snapshot button, because I don't have that one on my remote
- The double playlist problem: this is a small bug, thanks for noticing. There is also a bug when zapping: it selects the wrong item from the list.