is this xmltv file compatible with MP ? (1 Viewer)


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  • September 1, 2008
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    Okay, there are tons of errors in your log file. I can't tell what the current issue is, but please ensure you've done all of the things below.

    1. The path that you put in on the first tab should be: C:\Users\mp\Desktop\
    2. The XML file should be called tvguide.xml.
    3. The dtd file from C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server\xmltv\ should also be on your desktop and should be called xmltv.dtd.

    I see this is the last error in your logs:

    2011-06-02 09:45:26.363183 [SetupTv(1)]: XML tv import error loading C:\Users\mp\Desktop\tvguide.xml err:Expected DTD markup was not found. Line 1, position 1.

    Try deleting the following lines from the start of the XML file:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    <!DOCTYPE tv SYSTEM "xmltv.dtd">

    After that, try again, remembering that you have to select and load a channel group in the mapping tab before anything can work.


    Portal Pro
    May 10, 2011
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    ok i'm running 1.2 beta but there is no xmltv dir listed in C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server\
    C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server\xmltv\

    also, i only have the "all channels" group under mappings, is that correct ?

    i've also deleted the lines from the xml file, as suggested, but am still not able to import any programs


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  • September 1, 2008
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    i've already noticed a problem, the dtd is just a example dtd, though i have no idea how to generate a real dtd or what a dtd is and why it's used.

    The DTD is the template for the XML file. It tells the XMLTV plugin how to read the file properly. Where did you get the DTD from?

    the only channel group i can see in mappings is "all channels", if i select it and load/refresh i'm still presented with the "no tv-channels available to map" error

    If you haven't set up any channel groups then the only group will be "all channels", but it sounds like you haven't got any channels at all in TV Server.

    Please answer: if you go to the "TV Channels" section, are there any channels listed?


    Portal Pro
    May 10, 2011
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    • ok i found the dtd that comes with MP 1.2 beta and copied it to the correct path.
    • removed the first two lines from the tvguide.xml file as suggested
    • nothing is listed under "TV Channels"

    do i need to have a working TV tuner for this to be possible or can I import the epg data without having first setup the tuner ? (just testing on a spare system before i dive into MP on my main media center PC thats located in the lounge room)

    I only ask because in MC, if it doesn't a see tuner setup, you're not allowed to setup guide data .


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 1, 2008
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    and no, nothing is listed under "TV Channels"
    That is the problem. You can't import a guide if you don't have channels.

    do i need to have a working TV tuner for this to be possible or can I import the epg data without having first setup the tuner ?
    As above: you don't need a tuner, but you do need the channels. You get channels either by scanning or adding them manually. Obviously scanning is not possible yet since you don't have a tuner connected, but manually creating a few channels should be pretty straightforward.

    1. Go to the "TV Channels" section.
    2. Click "add".
    3. Select any type and click ok.
    4. Enter a name at the top, click ok.

    Once you've got one or more channels you can test whether importing the guide would work (I'm 100% certain that it will! :D).

    1. Go to the mapping tab in the XMLTV plugin.
    2. Load the "all channels" list.
    3. Create some mappings to your test channels (ie. select a guide channel for one or more of your test channels).
    4. Click save.
    5. Go back to the first tab.
    6. Click import, and give TV Server a minute or so to do its thing.

    After that you should be able to open MP, go to the TV guide and see something like what you see in the screenshots here.

    I only ask because in MC, if it doesn't a tuner, you're not allowed to setup guide data .
    If anything was going to fail in a setup like this then it would be the tuner setup, not the guide. Are you intending to do this by connecting the STB to the analog connections on a tuner (or perhaps you have a Colossus/HDPVR), or do you have a cardreader?


    Portal Pro
    May 10, 2011
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    it was the "TV Channels" not being setup, who would have thought it was required... i assumed the channels get populated when the xml data was imported, obviously i have no idea !!

    i setup channel 112 (the Comady Channel) and followed your guide, jumped into MP --> TV --> Tv Guide and it was there, and showing the correct programe for the timeslot.

    If anything was going to fail in a setup like this then it would be the tuner setup, not the guide. Are you intending to do this by connecting the STB to the analog connections on a tuner (or perhaps you have a Colossus/HDPVR), or do you have a cardreader?

    with my MC setup i have the STB connected to a WinTV tuner via svideo and then the pc to the TV via DVI.
    I use the MC remote with the blaster to change the foxtel channel. Is this is the case with MP ?

    would you suggest I stick with 1.2 beta ?


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 1, 2008
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    Cool. :)

    with my MC setup i have the STB connected to a WinTV tuner via svideo and then the pc to the TV via DVI.
    I use the MC remote with the blaster to change the foxtel channel. Is this is the case with MP ?
    Yep, you can do that with MP, however getting the channels into MP could prove to be a bit of a challenge. As you've already figured out, you won't get channels just by importing the XMLTV guide data, and you won't be able to scan them in because the STB is connected by s-video. You'll either have to create them manually (with tuning details, which is something you haven't yet dealt with) or write a script to add them to the DB. Have a look at this thread starting from post 320 - I know it relates to the Colossus, however the process and issues would be just as relevant for you with your WinTV tuner.

    [Note to self: I've really got to do something about this for 1.3.0. So much planned, so little time! ;)]


    Portal Pro
    May 10, 2011
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    well, i'm happy to put it the time to setup the channels manually, no biggy, hopefully i only need to do it once :)
    whats the deal with the Colossus, why is there so much hype about this card ? what am i missing ?


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 1, 2008
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    well, i'm happy to put it the time to setup the channels manually, so biggy, hopefully i only need to do it once :)
    Yes, only once, but depending on how many channels you have it might take you literally half a day. After you're over that hurdle the rest should be relatively straightforward...

    [Note: if you ever upgrade MP or your operating system you'd *really* want to remember to export and save your channel list!]

    whats the deal with the Colossus, why is there so much hype about this card ? what am i missing ?
    In terms of MP: it is one of the only "pure" capture cards that we support at this time. That, coupled with the fact that it has an HDMI input, which enables viewing/recording up to 1080i HD with *digital lossless* transfer from the STB makes it quite desirable for some people. Before the Colossus you could use composite, s-video or component, but they all result in some level of picture and sound degradation (cable losses, re-encoding). The Colossus changes that...


    Portal Pro
    May 10, 2011
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    i'm ok with that, great, might invest in a Colossus myself.

    mate, i just wanted to thank you for taking the time to see this through, your help has been tremendously helpful and it's much appreciated !

    i posted a question here re the Colossus as i'm a little confused with the conversation

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