Issues with latest release MPTagThat ( (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
March 26, 2014
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Canada Canada
I have some issues with the latest release and some suggested improvements:

After I utilize MPTagThat to update my cover art and search for lyrics, I fin that some of my tag titles are now in uppercase and a new tag is added titled "description' which is a duplicate of my comment tag. It's quite possible that I need to adjust my settings somewhere and I tried with no success. Please see the attached snips:

Before MPTagThat
Tag Before MPTagThat.PNG

After MPTagThat
Tag After MPTagThat.PNG

Any help you can give with this would be appreciated.

Next, I still do not have much success using your lyrics engine. I had previously submitted a request in regards to this.

I also occasionally still have trouble loading the program as some of the screen menus do not display. I explained this in detail previously and provided snips then too.

A suggested improvement would be to increase the size of the save button or even relocate it


Portal Member
March 26, 2014
Home Country
Canada Canada
I found a program (mp3Tag Pro) to update my lyrics which is roughly 98% successful in locating my lyrics. Attached is a snip of the lyrics engines they are using, maybe this will help. This is a paid program vs. your open source freeware program which as a rule is quite comprehensive. Until your program has more success with lyrics I will use mp3Tag Pro. Also, I found this program changes the case of some of the tag to uppercase as well - this might be a FLAC tag issue??

mp3Tag Pro Lyrics Settings.PNG

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