Last.FM Rework and Auto DJ mode (4 Viewers)


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  • November 12, 2007
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    Let me test to change SMP one to 19 :)

    Ok better to do that :)

    I will ask @ltfearme to change it to 19 (now or when your branch goes to master) lol



    Retired Team Member
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  • January 27, 2005
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    Right looking for some input on where to focus on next...
    I will sort out
    • Offline scrobbling
    • General integration of radio (better handling of thumbs handling, current artist info etc)
    But looking for areas I can improve...

    Is anyone really interested in being able to have multiple accounts? Is there anything that really needs fixing? Is there anything that can be improved?

    Any thoughts on the auto DJ logic for choice of tracks? This is currently
    1. Get list of similar tracks for the current one from
    2. Check these against local database
      1. If there is at least one track not matched in the current playlist then consider these
      2. If allow multiple versions is not checked then the first track with he same artist / track title combination will be considered
    3. If there are no matches
      1. Get top tracks for artist of current track
      2. Match these against local database
        1. If there is at least one track not matched in the current playlist then consider these
        2. If allow multiple versions is not checked then the first track with he same artist / track title combination will be considered
    4. Take the list of matched tracks look for enough tracks to make sure playlist has five entries after the current track (so if you had a single track it will try to add five tracks but if you add a whole album it will only try to add a single track)
      1. For each required track pick a random one from the list of matched tracks and add this to the playlist
    Got it :LOL:

    This seems to work pretty well but is prone to drifting. What I want to balance is preventing drifting whilst still having enough matches to keep playing. If I keep re-adding the first track then this won't work well if the first track only matched a single other local track and that is already in the playlist.

    Also this is currently completely random and it might be good to try and allow this to be tweaked to prefer similar tracks or not (but I am not that good at creating this sort of weighting algorithm....)

    Thoughts / ideas / comments ???


    Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • February 23, 2008
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    New feature suggestion:
    - Skip specific genres from AutoDJ (like Christmas) :D

    About the drifting issue: The first track added to the playlist is a 100% match (since we selected that ourselves), so what if we could slow down (or prevent entirely?) the drifting by using the first track again for online matches? I'm thinking about a 'trigger' when the playlist (for example) has reached 30 tracks, that the next online lookup is done against the first track? if there are enough local matches, and we prevent duplicates, that should at least slow it down.
    Last edited:


    Portal Pro
    January 3, 2008
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    Germany Germany
    Okay, I've installed your new version after I have the new MediaPortal Version 1.4 installed. Unfortunately, the AutoDJ fashion seems to have stopped working. He finds no similar title. But scrobbling works fine.
    With things like
    Simian |  | Justice - We Are Your Friends
    What is the artist tag here? is this one value or tagged as multiple artists?
    Not quite sure how we should handle multi artist tracks anyway :unsure:

    But basically the tags on the tracks you played did not pick up any similar tracks in your database and it simply ran out of tracks
    [2013-05-18 14:59:43,956] [Log	] [BASS SongEnd] [DEBUG] - BASS: Reached end of playlist.

    Sorry that the multiple artist was my fault. I tagged the wrong two songs. I always use \ \ to separate from multiple artists. The two songs but I have / use /.

    However, there are still a problem. Today had a error message in the error log. Maybe you has what the problem is.


    Retired Team Member
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  • January 27, 2005
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    Sorry that the multiple artist was my fault. I tagged the wrong two songs. I always use \ \ to separate from multiple artists. The two songs but I have / use /.
    Not sure what you mean here. If you look at the track is say MPTagThat what does it should as the artist?

    However, there are still a problem. Today had a error message in the error log. Maybe you has what the problem is.
    The main errors are
    Exception: Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializationException: Error getting value from 'MediaInfo' on 'WifiRemote.MessageNowPlaying'. ---> System.MissingMethodException: Methode nicht gefunden: "System.String MediaPortal.Music.Database.Song.get_WebImage()".
       bei WifiRemote.NowPlayingMusic..ctor(Song song)
    which is obviously an issue with WifiRemote.

    One error is
    [2013-05-19 16:53:07,525] [Log ] [Announce/Auto DJ] [ERROR] - Exception: System.FormatException: Die Eingabezeichenfolge hat das falsche Format.
    bei System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)
    bei System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
    bei System.Xml.XmlConvert.ToInt32(String s)
    bei System.Xml.Linq.XElement.op_Explicit(XElement element)
    bei MediaPortal.LastFM.LastFMLibrary.<GetArtistTopTracks>b__34(<>f__AnonymousType16`2 <>h__TransparentIdentifier2a)
    which is fixed in current code. Are you using V5 or your own compiled version?
    There there is
    [2013-05-19 16:54:32,075] [Log	] [Announce/Auto DJ] [ERROR] - Exception: MediaPortal.LastFM.LastFMException: 
    	The artist you supplied could not be found
    which is just logging too much info (think I have addressed this in the latest code)


    Portal Pro
    January 3, 2008
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Hello James,

    I'm using version V5.

    Oh I think the thing with the multiple artist I have poorly described. I use normally always the two backslashes (\\) to seperate from different artists, and then in MediaPortal only one artist is shown.

    In the case that MediaPortal shows two songs in the format like this "Simian | | Justice - We Are Your Friends" , was because I made ​​a mistake and separate the two artists with two Shlash signs (//).

    I hope I could explain it better and you understand it now?


    Portal Pro
    August 9, 2007
    Boston, MA
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    I like the idea of using the originally selected song as the "base" for generating playlists. Also think the idea of avoiding a genre would be key too (for exactly the reason stated above - christmas!).

    As far as coming up with more tracks for a list - as a fallback, genre might be a good way to get more results.

    Also think it's important to differentiate between Album Artist and Artist. I'm pretty sure that WMP uses the Album Artist field for most things where iTunes uses just Artist (this is extremely annoying).

    Thanks again for all your work jameson_uk! Extension is coming along great.


    Portal Pro
    August 9, 2007
    Boston, MA
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    Sorry forgot to add my 2c about multiple accounts - personally, not important to me, the mechanics of the plugin should take higher priority - then as more demand is generated, multiple accounts just becomes a menu item in MP, and playlists pivot around that account.


    Portal Pro
    August 9, 2007
    Boston, MA
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    OK I can't see anything odd here but there have been some changes to other parts around this that may make a difference.
    A new build will be added shortly to the first posts here, can you try that and see if you still get the issue? (I have added a little extra debugging to try and locate any issue)

    Updated to the new build, and it seems to be working fine.

    Could this problem have anything to do with the skin I was using? I had used both Titan and StreamedMP in 1.3, but with this newest build I've only been using Titan.

    Ok, now I'm on V6, and I'm seeing the problem again. I've noticed that the "Now Playing" screen seems different - and when I switch to Now Playing (after starting Artist radio) and just let it run, it stops like it did before, the logs say it's reached the end of the playlist.

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