scroble not work (2 Viewers)


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  • January 27, 2005
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    Yes, the password is entered correctly, the configuration tool available to me all the information online. One can see avatars, etc. etc.

    You can see the info offline even if you have the wrong password.

    I am a bit stuck as the only thing I can think is that it could be down to a network type issue or your ISP ?? (or perhaps not working properly in your country). I have been listening to music today and everything has scrobbled fine.#

    Can you try and delete the users in the audioscrobbler plugin completely then close config. Then go back and in and re-add ?


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  • February 29, 2008
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    • #12
    Can you try and delete the users in the audioscrobbler plugin completely then close config. Then go back and in and re-add ?

    Yes, I tried to do so, to no avail. In my country, everything works fine, with the same plug-in mvCentral sync with is normally, re-checked again with password protection. But when I add the account in scrobbler that takes a password. Live data show completely, even though others can not see my profile.


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  • February 29, 2008
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    • #13
    It did not help :(


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  • February 29, 2008
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    • #14
    - [Warn.][MPMain(1)]: Wrong username or password or account is disabled

    I rechecked 3 times, the user andrewjswan is correct, because with the windows media player all right. Password re-entered, the user double-checked: (
    What should I do?


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  • January 27, 2005
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    - [Warn.][MPMain(1)]: Wrong username or password or account is disabled

    I rechecked 3 times, the user andrewjswan is correct, because with the windows media player all right. Password re-entered, the user double-checked: (
    What should I do?

    I am currently looking at updating the code for 1.3 but I am struggling to know what to do here. If that is what are telling us then not sure what we can do about it.

    That said, I have done some searching and I can not see anywhere that that error gets logged inside MP. In fact the only place I have found that error is in a YouTubeFM plugin

    You are trying to use the inbuilt MP scrobbling (the audioscrobber plugin) and not this one? Can you try and disable this you tube plugin and see if that helps?


    Development Group
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  • February 29, 2008
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    • #16
    I disable YouTubeFM plugin? but scrobbler not work :(

    2012-01-13 01:11:26.265625 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Audioscrobbler plugin: Submit songs: True, announce Now Playing: True
    2012-01-13 01:11:26.281250 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: MusicDBReorg: schedule: 23:0
    2012-01-13 01:11:26.281250 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: MusicDBReorg: run on: monday:True, tuesday:True, wednesday:True, thursday:True, friday:True, saturday:True, sunday:True
    2012-01-13 01:11:26.281250 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: ThreadPool.Init()
    2012-01-13 01:11:26.296875 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: MusicDBReorg: started
    2012-01-13 01:11:26.296875 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: MusicShareWatcher Plugin 0.3 starting.
    2012-01-13 01:11:26.390625 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: MusicShareWatcher Plugin now monitoring the shares.
    2012-01-13 01:11:26.437500 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: MAP: using default mappings for WifiRemote
    2012-01-13 01:11:26.453125 [Info.][Scrobbler handshake(19)]: AudioscrobblerBase: Action successfully completed.
    2012-01-13 01:11:26.468750 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: [WIFI_REMOTE] Now accepting connections.
    2012-01-13 01:11:26.640625 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: [WIFI_REMOTE] Bonjour version 118.4.0 found.
    2012-01-13 01:11:26.781250 [Warn.][(29)]: GUIWindow:OnWindowLoaded: 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Skin\DefaultWideXmas\myHome.xml' is missing control id 200 (window property: lblDate)
    2012-01-13 01:11:26.781250 [Warn.][(29)]: GUIWindow:OnWindowLoaded: 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Skin\DefaultWideXmas\myHome.xml' is missing control id 201 (window property: lblTime)
    2012-01-13 01:11:26.781250 [Warn.][(29)]: GUIWindow:OnWindowLoaded: 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Skin\DefaultWideXmas\myHome.xml' is missing control id 99 (window property: videoWindow)
    2012-01-13 01:11:27.406250 [Warn.][MPMain(1)]: GUIWindow:OnWindowLoaded: 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Skin\DefaultWideXmas\myVideo.xml' is missing control id 8 (window property: btnTrailers)
    2012-01-13 01:11:27.875000 [Warn.][MPMain(1)]: GUIWindow:OnWindowLoaded: 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Skin\DefaultWideXmas\videoOverlay.xml' is missing control id 6 (window property: _labelBigPlayTime)
    2012-01-13 01:11:27.890625 [Warn.][MPMain(1)]: GUIWindow:OnWindowLoaded: 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Skin\DefaultWideXmas\videoOverlay.xml' is missing control id 6 (window property: _labelBigPlayTime)
    2012-01-13 01:11:27.890625 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: open folderdatabase
    2012-01-13 01:11:31.750000 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: GUIMusicPlaylist: Default Playlist loaded
    2012-01-13 01:11:31.781250 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: [WIFI_REMOTE] Published Service via Bonjour!
    2012-01-13 01:11:31.812500 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TvNotify:LoadNotifies
    2012-01-13 01:11:32.109375 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: TvNotify: 0 notifies
    2012-01-13 01:14:07.156250 [Warn.][MPMain(1)]: GUIWindow:OnWindowLoaded: 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Skin\DefaultWideXmas\mymusicsongs.xml' is missing control id 8 (window property: btnSearch)
    2012-01-13 01:14:12.250000 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: g_Player.Play(M:\Music\MP3\Bi-2\2009 - Lunapark\01 - Karaoke.mp3 Unknown)
    2012-01-13 01:14:12.390625 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Loading external players plugins
    2012-01-13 01:14:12.390625 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: found plugin:MediaPortal.ITunesPlayer.ITunesPlugin in C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Plugins\ExternalPlayers\ExternalPlayers.dll
    2012-01-13 01:14:12.390625 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: player:iTunes. author: Frodo
    2012-01-13 01:14:12.421875 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: found plugin:MediaPortal.WinampPlayer.WinampPlugin in C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Plugins\ExternalPlayers\ExternalPlayers.dll
    2012-01-13 01:14:12.421875 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: player:Winamp. author: int_20h
    2012-01-13 01:14:12.578125 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: M:\Music\MP3\Bi-2\2009 - Lunapark\01 - Karaoke.mp3
    2012-01-13 01:14:13.109375 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: DirectShowUtils: First try to insert new audio renderer Default DirectSound Device
    2012-01-13 01:14:14.078125 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: DirectShowUtils: Found audio renderer
    2012-01-13 01:14:15.062500 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: g_Player.OnStarted() M:\Music\MP3\Bi-2\2009 - Lunapark\01 - Karaoke.mp3 media:Music
    2012-01-13 01:14:15.125000 [Info.][Scrobbler event(33)]: Audioscrobbler plugin: Unknown track: M:\Music\MP3\Bi-2\2009 - Lunapark\01 - Karaoke.mp3
    2012-01-13 01:14:15.203125 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: [WIFI_REMOTE] {"Type":"nowplaying","Duration":208,"File":"M:\\Music\\MP3\\Bi-2\\2009 - Lunapark\\01 - Karaoke.mp3","Position":0,"IsTv":false,"IsFullscreen":false,"MediaInfo":{"MediaType":"music","MpExtId":"-1","MpExtMediaType":1,"MpExtProviderId":4,"ItemId":-1,"Album":"","AlbumArtist":"","Artist":"","BitRate":0,"BitRateMode":"","BPM":0,"Channels":0,"Codec":"","Comment":"","Composer":"","Conductor":"","DateTimeModified":"\/Date(-62135596800000+0200)\/","DateTimePlayed":"\/Date(-62135596800000+0200)\/","DiscId":0,"DiscTotal":0,"Duration":0,"Genre":"","Lyrics":"","Rating":0,"SampleRate":0,"TimesPlayed":0,"Title":"","Track":0,"TrackTotal":0,"URL":"","WebImage":"","Year":0,"ImageName":""}}
    2012-01-13 01:14:15.265625 [Warn.][MPMain(1)]: GUIWindow:OnWindowLoaded: 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Skin\DefaultWideXmas\musicOverlay.xml' is missing control id 6 (window property: _labelBigPlayTime)
    2012-01-13 01:14:15.281250 [Warn.][MPMain(1)]: GUIWindow:OnWindowLoaded: 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Skin\DefaultWideXmas\musicOverlay.xml' is missing control id 9 (window property: _videoWindow)
    2012-01-13 01:14:15.281250 [Warn.][MPMain(1)]: GUIWindow:OnWindowLoaded: 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Skin\DefaultWideXmas\musicOverlay.xml' is missing control id 6 (window property: _labelBigPlayTime)
    2012-01-13 01:14:15.296875 [Warn.][MPMain(1)]: GUIWindow:OnWindowLoaded: 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Skin\DefaultWideXmas\musicOverlay.xml' is missing control id 9 (window property: _videoWindow)
    2012-01-13 01:14:15.328125 [Warn.][MPMain(1)]: GUIWindow:OnWindowLoaded: 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Skin\DefaultWideXmas\MyMusicPlayingNow.xml' is missing control id 999 (window property: VUMeterLeft)
    2012-01-13 01:14:15.328125 [Warn.][MPMain(1)]: GUIWindow:OnWindowLoaded: 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Skin\DefaultWideXmas\MyMusicPlayingNow.xml' is missing control id 998 (window property: VUMeterRight)
    2012-01-13 01:14:15.343750 [Warn.][MPMain(1)]: GUIWindow:OnWindowLoaded: 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Skin\DefaultWideXmas\MyMusicPlayingNow.xml' is missing control id 30 (window property: btnLastFMLove)
    2012-01-13 01:14:15.343750 [Warn.][MPMain(1)]: GUIWindow:OnWindowLoaded: 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Skin\DefaultWideXmas\MyMusicPlayingNow.xml' is missing control id 31 (window property: btnLastFMBan)
    2012-01-13 01:14:15.359375 [Warn.][MPMain(1)]: GUIWindow:OnWindowLoaded: 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Skin\DefaultWideXmas\MyMusicPlayingNow.xml' is missing control id 999 (window property: VUMeterLeft)
    2012-01-13 01:14:15.359375 [Warn.][MPMain(1)]: GUIWindow:OnWindowLoaded: 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Skin\DefaultWideXmas\MyMusicPlayingNow.xml' is missing control id 998 (window property: VUMeterRight)
    2012-01-13 01:14:15.359375 [Warn.][MPMain(1)]: GUIWindow:OnWindowLoaded: 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Skin\DefaultWideXmas\MyMusicPlayingNow.xml' is missing control id 30 (window property: btnLastFMLove)
    2012-01-13 01:14:15.359375 [Warn.][MPMain(1)]: GUIWindow:OnWindowLoaded: 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Skin\DefaultWideXmas\MyMusicPlayingNow.xml' is missing control id 31 (window property: btnLastFMBan)
    2012-01-13 01:14:15.531250 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: BASS: Initialize BASS environment ...
    2012-01-13 01:14:15.671875 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: Visualization Window: Loading skin settings...
    2012-01-13 01:14:15.687500 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: BASS: Loading audio decoder add-ins...
    2012-01-13 01:14:16.578125 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: BASS: Loaded 10 Audio Decoders.
    2012-01-13 01:14:17.062500 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: BASS: Initializing BASS environment done.

    On in Settings - Application only:

    mvCentral - This application creates a DB of a users music videos, the artist infomation is retrived from
    Mediaportal YouTube.Fm plugin - A plugin for opensource HTPC software MediaPortal to stream YouTube stream
    Android - radio on your Android phone


    Development Group
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  • February 29, 2008
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    • #17 radio work and scrobble


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • February 29, 2008
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    • #18
    Scrobbler is still not working, what to do? Password entered several times, all right, maybe it's worth to add a button in the settings that will validate the password, and do a test scrobbling?


    MP Donator
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  • February 25, 2008
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    Austria Austria
    AW: Re: scroble not work

    Scrobbler is still not working, what to do? Password entered several times, all right, maybe it's worth to add a button in the settings that will validate the password, and do a test scrobbling?

    i had a similar problem a while ago. i entered the right password 100 % sure (checked with the webpage), but mp simply couldn't submit any track. i had no problem with the same password on my android device (simple scrobbler) or office computer btw.

    however, a month ago i changed my password on for security reasons and suddenly mp was also able to submit tracks. you could try that as well.


    Development Group
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  • February 29, 2008
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    • #20
    Re: AW: Re: scroble not work

    Scrobbler is still not working, what to do? Password entered several times, all right, maybe it's worth to add a button in the settings that will validate the password, and do a test scrobbling?

    i had a similar problem a while ago. i entered the right password 100 % sure (checked with the webpage), but mp simply couldn't submit any track. i had no problem with the same password on my android device (simple scrobbler) or office computer btw.

    however, a month ago i changed my password on for security reasons and suddenly mp was also able to submit tracks. you could try that as well.

    Ok! I try It!

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