Installing MePo Beta 1.3 and want to go with LAV filters supplied with it.
The questions: (please check systemspecs on profile for detalied info)
Audio: My amp support dolby digital and dts, i want to use that. What to tick and what codec to use?
Video: What to use and anything to check to use it? Also, specific driver version needed to use it and maybe specific settings for it?
Additional info, like why am I asking?
I will wipe MePo and start over using 1.3 beta.
Have been updated from god knows what version and I want to do a complete MePo wipe and start over. It's not that things aren't working, there are is lots of plugins I have tested that are still there that I don't want to use anymore, and doing a cleanup will probably take much longer that just wiping it
The question is about codecs, video and audio. Please please be very specific and add print screens and detailed instructions on what to check and what not to check.
The questions: (please check systemspecs on profile for detalied info)
Audio: My amp support dolby digital and dts, i want to use that. What to tick and what codec to use?
Video: What to use and anything to check to use it? Also, specific driver version needed to use it and maybe specific settings for it?
Additional info, like why am I asking?
I will wipe MePo and start over using 1.3 beta.
Have been updated from god knows what version and I want to do a complete MePo wipe and start over. It's not that things aren't working, there are is lots of plugins I have tested that are still there that I don't want to use anymore, and doing a cleanup will probably take much longer that just wiping it
The question is about codecs, video and audio. Please please be very specific and add print screens and detailed instructions on what to check and what not to check.