hey, very great skin ... would like to use it as standard!
but on my 60" plasma it looks a bit ... erm ... we definitely need an HD-version of this skin.
Hi Catavolt,
is there a chance to suppoort this skin also for MP 1.3 in the future?
P.S. Did you get a plugin on star date already or is this still needed?
Hi Catavolt,
please have a look at the attached files.
You need to install the StarDate\bin\Release\stardate.dll file into C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\plugins\Windows
The skin label is named #stardate.label
I have included seconds and calculated the date in an endless loop by
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(UPDATE_TIME * 1000);
DateTime actual = DateTime.Now;
int d = actual.DayOfYear;
int y = actual.Year;
int h = actual.Hour;
int m = actual.Minute;
int s = actual.Second;
double stardate = (y + OFFSET_YEARS + ((((( (m + (s /60.0)) / 60.0) + h) / 24.0) + (d - 1.0) / 265.24)) - 2323.0) * 1000.0;
string str_stardate = string.Format("{0:F3}", stardate);
GUIPropertyManager.SetProperty("#stardate.label", str_stardate);
You can optionally configure a future year and the update interval in the configuration.
Hi @huha, just found a severe issue with stardate.dll.
When installed in ...\plugins\Windows, it won´t let MPConfig close correct, meaning MPConfig stays as active task in task manager.
When you e.g. open MPConfig three times and close it correct with the OK button, you get three instances of MPConfig in task manager.
Encountered this bug when I tried to install TVWishList where the installer refused to install the TVWishList MP plugin because "MPConfig is open".
Removed stardate.dll from ...\plugins\Windows, and now MPConfig closes as expected (no instance in task manager).
Please have a look