LCD support (2 Viewers)



lol! Yes, of course you're right! :lol:
I had a look at the objects MP uses, and I thought about how to transfer them to the LCD.
I admit the examples with pictures and videos aren't the best ones...

But I disagree on that we should think about what NEEDS to go on LCD. We should think about what EVER MIGHT BE USEFUL under yet unknown circumstances. If the plugin CAN display every object MP has, the plugin might still be usable in the far future.

This is just brainstorming though... I prefer going big in theory and going small in practice - this way I know which options I haven't used ;-)


New Member
June 30, 2004
If you are talking about standard LC-Displays, you are talking about
HD44780 and compatibles. I´ve take a look inside the datasheet,
there is no possibility to invert characters. If you take a closer look
at character displays, you will see that there is always a little space
between the characters, so inverting a line will cause in a 'Stripe-look'
of the inverted line.

I also think that we don't need every menu of mediaportal displayed
on the LCD. The LCD should display informations about current state
of MP, for example Recording Channel XY, perhaps with duration,
playing MP3 with informations about the played song and so on. For
what do I need the pictures menu displayed on LCD, I have to switch
on TV for displaying the picture and can see the menu on screen.

For menu selection (e.g. switching from Home to a sub menu), i would
prefer the 'marker method', a char, perhaps '>', at position 1 of the line
that is currently selected. I´m not a fan of the 'Film-Stip'-view where
more than one menuitem displayed on a single line. I think the display
will become overloaded.


Portal Pro
September 21, 2004
Hi together,
nice to hear that we are moving forward with the LCD-support. Nice present for Christmas/New year!!!! :p
When you are thinking about displaying the menue from Mediaportal don't forget the GLCD users.
Idea to make it easy:
Perhaps it might be very easy to support all kind of displays. Simply use LCD-Hype it supports most of the displays LCD/GLCD and uses some kind of script language. This script language is very easy to handle and everyone can make his menue as he would like it to be. We only need some kind of plugin that sends all info to Lcd-Hype.

When we go this way we can easily split the work in two packages some are programming the plugin for Mediaportal. And the others are progamming the scripts for the different LCD's.


Portal Pro
September 21, 2004
Hope there is some movement in the developement ? :oops:
Is somebody in contact with frodo or making it on his own???

For now I use LCDHype to have use for my GLCD. But I noticed that it makes Mediaportal stop at startup if it`s started before MP. No problem starting MP first and then LCDHype. Not know why?? Also a problem after staring from Hibernate. LCDHype lose connection to the GLCD and had to restart.

So I`m really looking forward to an implementation to MP.


Portal Pro
October 20, 2004
Sebyno said:
Any news???

Every Media-Portal Lover is waiting for an LCD plugin in M-P !
Waiting ...

Actually, I am testing the GIRDER plugin LCD Master
downld on :
Info on :

This plugin seems to work well with M-P and the LCD Samsung VFD 2*16 of my Accent-Arisetec-Kanam HT-100S case

In this Girder Plugin, I choosed "HD44780 Parrallel" , LPT1, 2*16 char.

The GML file which arrives with the Plugin is very complete :
..for example, actually the LCD shows : -10°C in Milwaukee , USA
(not very useful for me, who lives in France ;-)
->I have to set many things in this plugin ;)


Ok waiting.....

Also HdWagner is developing something I think.
Have tried his plugin with Meedio and is very very good not so for the support of Meedio Boys.



Well, I'm developing version 0.4 of the Meedio plugin, which could become version 0.1 of the MediaPortal plugin - if MediaPortal happens to send data.

In other words: I'm not doing anything really MediaPortal related, so there's not much you can look forward to.

The good side of waiting for MediaPortal is that the Meedio users do a lot of bug reporting ;-)


Portal Pro
September 21, 2004
Hi all LCD-Fans,
last year frodo wrote that he would start the implementation of the LCD-support. I have never seen anything new from him in the forum about the LCD support. Somebody out there who knows thometing else? HdWagner is waiting for some data to receive!! Perhaps we will see LCD support in the beta 0.2 release. :p


Portal Pro
February 5, 2005
Holbaek, Denmark
Hi there m8´s..... :)

I have a Futuba VFD, that i use together vith girder at the moment, but ofcource i would like if there would be support for this display in the comming MP plugin also...... 8)

The driver that girder use for this display can be found in the girder folder, if you have installed girder, it´s called futubavfd.dll......
(Perhaps it´s in the LCDmaster package, i can´t remember....)

Anyway it is a serial interface display, only connected to the computer by 3 wires, and mine is right now on top of this actually connected throug a "USB to RS232" interface...... :D

I hope you can / will put in support for VFD´s (and my futuba VFD ofcource..... :oops: ), as VFD´s are mutch nicer to look at i think...... 8)

Perhaps the plugin could be able to use the drivers from LCDMaster, that would be verry nice..... :wink:

I will be very happy to test the plugin for you with my VFD..... :D

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