Area: Media Portal Program - TV
MP Version: MediaPortal RC1
Skin: Blue Two
Windows Version: Windows XP - SP2
CPU Type: Intel 2.4 GHz
Memory: RAM - 512 MB
Motherboard Chipset: manufacturer and model
Video Card:
Video Card Driver: nVidiA go5200 fx
Video Card Resolution: your desktop resolution
Video Render Type: VMR9
Video Codec Type & Version: N/VIDIA
Audio Codec Type & Version: Nvidia
TV Card: Leadtek Winfast USB TV Dongle
TV Card Type: software / hardware
TV Card Driver: Thsi is the problem
Optional Log: parts of the "/log/MediaPortal.log" which show an issue
Optional References: any reference
I am a first timer here, mostly have been reading the existing posts which have been very helpful. I recently got a Winfast DTV dongle and when i try using it using the setup/configuration, the log gives me that the BDA driver is not supported and i get the error "Unable to Create Graph" on the config UI. Unable to get the TV working in media portal, but with the Leadtek supplied winfast TV i am able to watch TV
Any help is much appreciated
MP Version: MediaPortal RC1
Skin: Blue Two
Windows Version: Windows XP - SP2
CPU Type: Intel 2.4 GHz
Memory: RAM - 512 MB
Motherboard Chipset: manufacturer and model
Video Card:
Video Card Driver: nVidiA go5200 fx
Video Card Resolution: your desktop resolution
Video Render Type: VMR9
Video Codec Type & Version: N/VIDIA
Audio Codec Type & Version: Nvidia
TV Card: Leadtek Winfast USB TV Dongle
TV Card Type: software / hardware
TV Card Driver: Thsi is the problem
Optional Log: parts of the "/log/MediaPortal.log" which show an issue
Optional References: any reference
I am a first timer here, mostly have been reading the existing posts which have been very helpful. I recently got a Winfast DTV dongle and when i try using it using the setup/configuration, the log gives me that the BDA driver is not supported and i get the error "Unable to Create Graph" on the config UI. Unable to get the TV working in media portal, but with the Leadtek supplied winfast TV i am able to watch TV
Any help is much appreciated