[solved] Library view and filters (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
October 13, 2007
Home Country
India India
By this you loose basically the biggest advantages of the software. If you filter for artists, you see them alphabetically and when selecting an artist all the movies with this artist should appear. By selecting the sorting filter you can customize the view further. I think everything you want to do is possible directly or indirectly.

Could you please post some screenshots of the library view sorted by actor for e.g.?

Either it is not working for me the way you describe it, or I am not using it correctly.

The output format of tMM is compatible with MP2, even I change settings to Kodi. Please open a thread in MP2 problem forum with your log files after import, if you need further help about it. The problem is not related to tMM or wrong fanart format.

I have been reporting problems with importer in MP2. Unfortunately, it has not gotten much traction. Currently, with "don't download anything from the internet", I see no images.


Lead Design MP2
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  • January 11, 2014
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    Germany Germany
    Could you please post some screenshots of the library view sorted by actor for e.g.?
    Sure, but I can only show it for audio, as I deactivated to download actor infos for series and movies. For me it's personally senseless to filter them by actor, because actors are not a criteria before watching for me.

    In below screenshots I go to audio screen, filter for artists and see a list of alphabetically listed artists. Then I select one artist and I see the list of audio tracks from this artist, again alphabetically sorted. But you can modify it with the sorting filter again to what you want.
    artists.jpg artists2.jpg

    I have been reporting problems with importer in MP2. Unfortunately, it has not gotten much traction. Currently, with "don't download anything from the internet", I see no images.
    Again: Without log files nobody can know, why there are no images.


    Retired Team Member
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  • May 16, 2008
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    Germany Germany
    some screenshots of the library view sorted by actor
    As an example - movies filtered by actors. First selection "Alan Rickman", then clicking on it gives you all the stored movies where he's been acting.

    Movies-Actors.jpg Movies-Actors 2.jpg


    Portal Pro
    October 13, 2007
    Home Country
    India India
    Thank you ge2301 and HTPCSourcer. There is a problem with my setup - I had been playing with a updated FanArt plugin that Broward had created to fix some OOM (out of memory) errors. When this didn't solve the problem that I had at that time, I didn't put back the old plug-ins. So, without a FanArt plugin, it doesn't show any images. Is that the correct behavior? Shouldn't FanArt be optional and the movie poster etc. be the definitive item displayed?

    I am reimporting, but am running into the OOM errors. So, it is going slow. Will update after it is completed.


    Retired Team Member
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  • May 16, 2008
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    Germany Germany
    without a FanArt plugin, it doesn't show any images. Is that the correct behavior?
    Well, yes of course. You can’t expect MP2 to function without the respective software pieces. Probably immediately visible in the logs.


    Portal Pro
    October 13, 2007
    Home Country
    India India
    Ok, my bad. Immediately visible in the sense that FanArt was not in the plugin list at startup, but no "errors" per se. Simply no images. Unexpected.

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