I had a harddisk crash and since a new install of MP and TvSeries I do not have the fanarts anymore
I have some series, but none of my fanarts are shown and yes I know about the f9 and loading a fanart, but this is not what I would like to have.
I had for every season a different fanart and it was shown correctly (before the crash), but now - no, niet, nüscht, nix
it looks like this on my harddisk
stagate atlantis (mainfolder)
season 1
season 2
stargate universe (main folder)
season 1
season 2
inside every folder is a fanart.jpg. I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but I would like to have the different fanarts for the seasons back again
every help is welcome
I had a harddisk crash and since a new install of MP and TvSeries I do not have the fanarts anymore
I have some series, but none of my fanarts are shown and yes I know about the f9 and loading a fanart, but this is not what I would like to have.
I had for every season a different fanart and it was shown correctly (before the crash), but now - no, niet, nüscht, nix
it looks like this on my harddisk
stagate atlantis (mainfolder)
season 1
season 2
stargate universe (main folder)
season 1
season 2
inside every folder is a fanart.jpg. I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but I would like to have the different fanarts for the seasons back again
every help is welcome