LogoManager [27-11-2022] (5 Viewers)


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  • August 5, 2006
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    new version, with support of Argus TV on singleseat systems. Also includes all new features from previous test version (including first run setup, that should be good enough for autoconfiguration for not very complex systems).
    Please test.

    P.S. it also supports hover background - just place desired picture in skinname\Media\hover_LogoManager.png
    We have included hover BG for Titan skin - get it here https://mediaportal-russian-logos.g...anager/Skin/Titan/Media/hover_LogoManager.png (credit goes to @RicoHTPC )
    Thank you Vasilish. I've tested this version with Argus Recorder and Argus Scheduler+MP TV-Server and it works well. The only issue I found is that the button is called Cancel Grabbing instead of Start Grabbing the first time I launch the plugin. I've been talking to Edalex about this so maybe he can fill in more details.[DOUBLEPOST=1425495364][/DOUBLEPOST]And the hover image looks great (y)


    Portal Member
    February 26, 2015
    Evergreen CO
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    well being that I posted about having this collection of logos I have, well that I made, and then I kinda stumble across this thread looking for a solution a problem I am having with some other plugin. Couldn't find this page by doing a google search for "MediaPortal Comcast TV Logos" or " USA Network TV Logo" "America TV Logo" "TV Station Logos" "HD TV Channel Logos" Forever looking. and no. and this program is not listed in Stable section of the plugin manager. Had to replace the DLL from the forum. Anyone think about putting it where it belongs???? In the install file???? Over a month it's been fixed. One other thing. Posting a Fix is awesome. Posting how to use the fix and where the file goes.. That's even better. Never the Less I have the rest of the US Channels (Not local) and Quite a few logos I have just plane have more excitement to them. Up to you if you would like to have them. 512X512 256DPI IDK How many I have that are Different from what downloaded haven't checked yet. I know if I add the 2 together it should just about be a complete setup for Denver, Colorado.

    I do love the Glow feature. That solves the problem with the transparency and color closeness. Thing is hey all don't have it. Some do and some don't.

    Smashing job tho. Wish this program would have come up 2 weeks or 3 weeks ago in a search. Or even better. In the plugin manager with the fix applied to it, Could have saved me a whole heap of time. I just need to know if you would like the logos I have and in what format do you need them. Nice thing is I have the same naming convention.[DOUBLEPOST=1425888989][/DOUBLEPOST]One other thing. Great work, It needs to be on the Backend tho where the EPG Import is. and the Logos should be housed in a file structure with the TV Database. having a bunch of copies running around on multiple machines is crazy. especially when you have the mechanism already in place to deliver them true server fashion to the clients. I haven't had this setup that often. But I am going to find out soon enough When they move the channels around do the channels that I renamed hold the same naming??? and if so I know that the channel name is not what is used map the channel. I am kinda not happy not knowing how this is going to pan out when they move stuff around. I have 5 TV's with MP on em. I would hate to have to mess around with all 5 again.
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    Portal Pro
    August 30, 2009
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    hi @kdschlosser
    nice to hear you like this plugin. I will try to comment/answer some of your questions.
    1. We have built in some new features and waiting for user feedback before we release new version marked as non-beta. Unfortunately it is quiet here, so i cannot tell you any ETA for release (and thus this plugin to be seen in MPEI)
    2. I am not a maintainer for USA logo pack, so i just call @Jasmeet_181 to hear his comment on your logos. BTW, Jasmeet, is there any topic for US logo pack? I think it should be more appropriate place to talk about logos itself, than here.
    3. Yes, it should be implemented on back-end (i.e. TVServer)-side. It is already implemented so for MP2/TVE35, but for Mediaportal 1 every client has its own logo set, and it won't change in the near future, as TV-Part of MP1 (i.e TVE3) is in code-freeze. On the other side, what we have now (client-side logos) has one advantage: you can decide what design suits better to the skin on every client, so you can define dark glow for one client using light skin, and light glow - for dark skin.


    Portal Member
    February 26, 2015
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    Fantastic Job thus far. I would love to use mp2 but the plugin base is just not there yet. I haven't checked on it in a while tho. and it appears as tho a lot of plugins are in the forums for mp1 any way. 1 Question tho. I am not sure if i mentioned it or not. The glow effect the script that alters the logos doesn't do the glow to all of them. It looks kinda funny with one here and one there. I would like to implement this on all of mine. Exactly what is being used to attain the effect, I have tried several different programs with similar effects but not as clean as what is being used to make these.

    Thanks again


    Portal Member
    February 26, 2015
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    That would be the one. I have a dark guide and the black logos loom almost invisable. With that glow solves the problem without me having to recolor. And I have added a reflection to some of the logos for astetics (Logo was thin and didn't look right so added the reflection to give it alittle more body). And I think the glow might look better with that done than a recolor. I would like to keep the logos their original colors that is also an idea you might build in. Is doing a reflection. Looks nice when done. I have only done a handful but I will tinker and see if the glow handles the gradient to alpha ok or if it makes a mess of it.

    And should I contact this Jasmeet person? And if so how?

    Thanks Again.
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    Portal Pro
    August 30, 2009
    Germany, Mayence
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    That would be the one
    then edit file d:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs\LogoManager\designs\Simple light glow\design.settings - remove all lightness_threshold and active_part entries in effect attributes so these parts will look so:
    <effect enabled="yes" type="glow" radius="10" color="Silver" />
    <effect enabled="yes" type="outerglow" width="1" color="White" transparency="0.7" />
    This will disable selective applying of effects based on lightness of logo picture, so all your logos will be with both glow and outerglow effects.

    I will tinker and see if the glow handles the gradient to alpha ok or if it makes a mess of it.
    we have test programs for our effects - check the very 1st post of this thread. And don't forget to share your investigation results with us :)


    Portal Member
    February 26, 2015
    Evergreen CO
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    United States of America United States of America
    No Problem. I have re downloaded all of the logos again without the glow. I added all of the logos that were missing. One thing I think should be added is the ability to select which logo you want to keep the one that is downloaded from the repository. Or the one that the user may have already had. I am finding that me personally I have logos in my collection that I would rather keep then use the one from Logo Manager. Have it load the images side by side and have a check box next to the one that you would like to keep. I am going to test right now and see if Logo Manaer will reprocess all of the images with the glow (even the ones that are not downloaded from the repository).[DOUBLEPOST=1426017230][/DOUBLEPOST]OK Results are as follows. It does not process all of the images in the Logo folder. Only the ones that are just downloaded. I wasn't sure if Logo Manager emptied the folder before it downloaded it doesn't tho. Which is nice to know. There is 1 issue tho, The canvas size of the logo needs to be increased either before they are put into the repository or by after effects processing. If the actual Image is to close to the edge of the canvas the effect gets chopped off. Not a huge deal, looks a little funny. I am attaching 2 photos one of what it looks like with all glow. (I personally like it). Maybe just add a check box to enable it for all logos. And the 2nd image is so you can see what I am talking about with the effect getting chopped.

    Is there the ability (not sure with the use or without of Logo Manager) To add Series logos into the guide. I read something somewhere that pertained to it. I didn't bookmark the page unfortunately. Ya know like maybe pulling the Album Art Cover and having it inserted in the guide (not at the top) in the actual guide like the channel logos are. Something like that can be pulled from a TV series database either local or from Web database. Again I have a whole collection of them already looking good if there is the ability I would want to keep the ones I have and download from the web the ones that I don't. I haven't gotten around to see if I can even insert them. Figured I would ask being the nature of this plugin.


    • Tested Glow Effect on all Logos1.jpg
      Tested Glow Effect on all Logos1.jpg
      95.3 KB
    • Tested Glow Effect on all Logos2.jpg
      Tested Glow Effect on all Logos2.jpg
      24.6 KB
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