But download link is still working https://app.assembla.com/spaces/med..._pack/TV/Transparent/24Corren.png?_format=rawThanks for trying both options and reporting back, your English is very good BTW.
Assembla doesn't have a free tier any more, IIRC Vasilich setup the project on a 1GB free plan, perhaps access is limited now.
Edit: Assembla disabled anonymous SVN access earlier this year, if you attempt to access a file (e.g. http://subversion.assembla.com/svn/...runk/SE_logo_pack/TV/Transparent/24Corren.png) you must now log in.
The other contributors will need to migrate to another host to continue sharing logos. @vuego @azzuro
I think we still need updated MPEI to download updated default config
Thanks, I can confirm that this config file file also fixes the Swedish pack