LogoManager [27-11-2022] (5 Viewers)


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  • January 3, 2008
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    Yes, config file will be redownloaded unless you switch this option off in config

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    Portal Pro
    July 30, 2011
    hi everyone
    my English is not the best. I hope you could still understand.
    I had a hard drive failure and had to reinstall everything. now I can't do that with the logo manager.
    he just can't find any logos.
    Attached are the log files from mediaportal and the logoconfig

    can someone zip their German station logos for me and upload them until I can do it?

    [2022-11-01 11:36:27,100] [Log ] [LogoManager Grabber] [INFO ] - Start grabbing logos
    [2022-11-01 11:36:27,112] [Log ] [LogoManager Grabber] [INFO ] - Loading design "Simple light glow"
    [2022-11-01 11:36:27,115] [Log ] [LogoManager Grabber] [DEBUG] - Found settings file for design "Simple light glow"
    [2022-11-01 11:36:27,118] [Log ] [LogoManager Grabber] [DEBUG] - Found enabled glow effect.
    [2022-11-01 11:36:27,122] [Log ] [LogoManager Grabber] [DEBUG] - Found enabled outerglow effect.
    [2022-11-01 11:36:27,127] [Log ] [LogoManager Grabber] [DEBUG] - Found enabled resize effect.
    [2022-11-01 11:36:27,805] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - LogoManager: Generated 0 logos for groups "TV Sender" from "Deutsches Pack" using "Simple light glow" design. 0 channel names were not found in packages, failed to generate 0 logos, skipped: 0
    [2022-11-01 11:36:27,813] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - WindowManager: route LogoManager.LogoManagerPlugin:757278->MediaPortal.Dialogs.GUIDialogNotify:2016
    [2022-11-01 11:36:27,817] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - DialogWindow: MediaPortal.Dialogs.GUIDialogNotify init
    [2022-11-01 11:36:33,100] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - WindowManager: unroute to MediaPortal.Dialogs.GUIDialogNotify:2016->LogoManager.LogoManagerPlugin:757278
    [2022-11-01 11:36:33,212] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - LogoManager: Rescheduling next update to 08.11.2022 11:36:33
    [2022-11-01 11:36:33,216] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - GUIButtonControl.HyperLink: Trying to use parsed string, original , parsed
    [2022-11-01 11:36:33,217] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - GUIButtonControl.ActionID: Trying to use parsed string, original , parsed
    [2022-11-01 11:36:33,223] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - GUIWaitCursor: init at position 792:477
    [2022-11-01 11:36:33,226] [Log ] [LogoManager Grabber] [INFO ] - Start grabbing logos
    [2022-11-01 11:36:33,228] [Log ] [LogoManager Grabber] [INFO ] - Loading design "Simple light glow"
    [2022-11-01 11:36:33,229] [Log ] [LogoManager Grabber] [DEBUG] - Found settings file for design "Simple light glow"
    [2022-11-01 11:36:33,231] [Log ] [LogoManager Grabber] [DEBUG] - Found enabled glow effect.
    [2022-11-01 11:36:33,232] [Log ] [LogoManager Grabber] [DEBUG] - Found enabled outerglow effect.
    [2022-11-01 11:36:33,233] [Log ] [LogoManager Grabber] [DEBUG] - Found enabled resize effect.
    [2022-11-01 11:36:33,476] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - LogoManager: Generated 0 logos for groups "TV Sender" from "Deutsches Pack" using "Simple light glow" design. 0 channel names were not found in packages, failed to generate 0 logos, skipped: 0
    [2022-11-01 11:36:33,484] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - WindowManager: route LogoManager.LogoManagerPlugin:757278->MediaPortal.Dialogs.GUIDialogNotify:2016
    [2022-11-01 11:36:33,489] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - DialogWindow: MediaPortal.Dialogs.GUIDialogNotify init
    [2022-11-01 11:36:35,349] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - GUIButtonControl.HyperLink: Trying to use parsed string, original , parsed
    [2022-11-01 11:36:35,351] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - GUIButtonControl.ActionID: Trying to use parsed string, original , parsed
    [2022-11-01 11:36:35,627] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - WindowManager: unroute to MediaPortal.Dialogs.GUIDialogNotify:2016->LogoManager.LogoManagerPlugin:757278
    [2022-11-01 11:36:35,658] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - LogoManager: Rescheduling next update to 08.11.2022 11:36:35


    Portal Pro
    September 5, 2007
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Thanks for trying both options and reporting back, your English is very good BTW.

    Assembla doesn't have a free tier any more, IIRC Vasilich setup the project on a 1GB free plan, perhaps access is limited now.

    Edit: Assembla disabled anonymous SVN access earlier this year, if you attempt to access a file (e.g. http://subversion.assembla.com/svn/...runk/SE_logo_pack/TV/Transparent/24Corren.png) you must now log in.
    The other contributors will need to migrate to another host to continue sharing logos. @vuego @azzuro
    Last edited:


    Community Plugin Dev
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  • January 3, 2008
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    Russian Federation Russian Federation
    Thanks for trying both options and reporting back, your English is very good BTW.

    Assembla doesn't have a free tier any more, IIRC Vasilich setup the project on a 1GB free plan, perhaps access is limited now.

    Edit: Assembla disabled anonymous SVN access earlier this year, if you attempt to access a file (e.g. http://subversion.assembla.com/svn/...runk/SE_logo_pack/TV/Transparent/24Corren.png) you must now log in.
    The other contributors will need to migrate to another host to continue sharing logos. @vuego @azzuro
    But download link is still working https://app.assembla.com/spaces/med..._pack/TV/Transparent/24Corren.png?_format=raw


    Community Plugin Dev
  • Premium Supporter
  • January 3, 2008
    Home Country
    Russian Federation Russian Federation
    So you just need to change the BaseURLs in LogoManager.config, I've updated mine.
    I think we still need updated MPEI to download updated default config :oops: Without it we could just use your config.
    I'll try to look into it.

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