Here's the system config I'm considering at the moment:
Case: Cooler Master ATC 620
Power Supply: Zalman Noiseless 300W
Motherboard: ASUS A8N-VM
CPU: AMD Athlon64 3200+
Memory: 512MB DDR400
Hard Disk: 300GB (not sure which one)
DVB card: Twinhan DTV Mini Ter
The motherboard provides an onboard nVidia 6150 GPU with DVI and RGB outputs, so I don't need a separate video card.
I'm after some feedback on a couple of points:
- Has anyone had any experience with the ATC 620 case?
- Do I need to get 1GB of RAM or will 513MB suffice? The HTPC will be used primarily for watching XVids, DVDs and DVB TV, with some recording now and again.
- Any recommendations for a quiet 300GB HD? Noise level has to be low for this HTPC.
Here's the system config I'm considering at the moment:
Case: Cooler Master ATC 620
Power Supply: Zalman Noiseless 300W
Motherboard: ASUS A8N-VM
CPU: AMD Athlon64 3200+
Memory: 512MB DDR400
Hard Disk: 300GB (not sure which one)
DVB card: Twinhan DTV Mini Ter
The motherboard provides an onboard nVidia 6150 GPU with DVI and RGB outputs, so I don't need a separate video card.
I'm after some feedback on a couple of points:
- Has anyone had any experience with the ATC 620 case?
- Do I need to get 1GB of RAM or will 513MB suffice? The HTPC will be used primarily for watching XVids, DVDs and DVB TV, with some recording now and again.
- Any recommendations for a quiet 300GB HD? Noise level has to be low for this HTPC.