Make mce remote operate like media center (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
February 24, 2008
Home Country
New Zealand New Zealand
Hope someone can give me some general help here - I (and my wife) find the default mappings for mediaportal really weird to use. I would far prefer that they work like other programs like media center, where, for example, you click the skip button to skip forward, rather than having to use the up arrow, which seems really weird. She certainly can't get her head around it.

Is there an easy way to make it operate like vista media center, or do I have to manually adjust it, command by command?


Paranoid Delusion

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  • June 13, 2005
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    Hope someone can give me some general help here - I (and my wife) find the default mappings for mediaportal really weird to use. I would far prefer that they work like other programs like media center, where, for example, you click the skip button to skip forward, rather than having to use the up arrow, which seems really weird. She certainly can't get her head around it.

    Hi, a bit concerned as to which remote you are using, mines this one
    and the skip steps work fine, as pre defined in MP config\general\skip steps.



    Portal Pro
    February 24, 2008
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    Yeah same remote as that, but I would expect to use the ffwd/rwd and next chapter/prev chapter buttons.. not the arrow buttons.. or am I missing something here?

    Paranoid Delusion

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  • June 13, 2005
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    Sorry, had a beer, realise you must mean left\right arrow buttons to scroll through the skip steps, once you get used to it a lot easier to do in a dim room not looking at remote :)



    Retired Team Member
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  • February 16, 2005
    yep, I agree. the arrows are much easier to use to jump forward. The skip button is tiny and hidden amongst all the others.

    If you must, you can always re-map the skip buttons to be jump buttons, but I advise against this.

    It's in the "remote" section of MP configuration.


    Retired Team Member
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  • February 16, 2007
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    The arrow up & down keys (big skip step) is something I had never used... Only the left and right arrows are interesting to control the skip steps. A normal fast fwd & rwd function is by default on the (non skipping) fwd & rwd keys (the buttons left & right to the big play key).



    Portal Member
    October 25, 2008
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    United States of America United States of America
    Dude at first i was ike these controls suck, but after 1 good day I like the media Portal controls waaaaay better. U can even fast forward unlike the MCE configuration. Id advise getting used to it. Im using the same remote. If u wanna fix it u gonna be playing with the mapper for a good 30 minutes


    Portal Member
    June 10, 2011
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    Thread resurrection....

    The skips steps idea in MediaPortal is good in theory and has some advantages but at the end of the day, I can skip commercials faster in Windows MCE than I can in MP no matter what skip steps I configure.

    Is there any way to set up a button that *always* skips 30 seconds and another that always goes back 7 seconds?


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 1, 2008
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    Is there any way to set up a button that *always* skips 30 seconds and another that always goes back 7 seconds?
    The closest to 7s you can get with the left/right steps is 5s. Also, the steps are symmetrical, meaning the step backwards will be the same as the step forwards. I don't know why you would want such a configuration as it seems to totally trash the power of skip steps in MP but you could try something like this:

    1. Disable all left/right skip steps except 30 seconds.
    2. Reduce the timeout before skipping occurs to something like 300 ms.
    3. Set the up/down skip size to constant 7 seconds.

    With that configuration you'd use down to skip back your 7 seconds, and right to skip forward your 30 seconds.


    [Edit: wiki details for skip step configuration are -->here<--.]
    [Edit2: just to be clear, the reason why such a configuration seems so unusual is that you can push the left/right keys to increase the skip step size. To skip 3 minute ads with MP you don't skip 6 times 30 seconds; you press the right button multiple times until the skip size is 3 minutes. At default settings that is 4 key presses for the MP approach and 6 for the WMC approach.]


    Portal Member
    June 10, 2011
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    I don't know why you would want such a configuration as it seems to totally trash the power of skip steps in MP but you could try something like this:

    To skip a 4min commercial in MCE I can simply tap the skip button eight times in rapid succession....and if I go a bit too far i can pop back with the back 7 seconds button. It doesn't require any thought and I don't have to worry about the lag that you get when going +15, +30, +1m, +3m, OK, +15,+30, +1m.....oops too far... -15, OK, FF 2x, Play

    Like I said, the incremental skip idea seems great in theory but there's a reason why no other device/software uses it.....but yeah, it has it's uses so I don't really want to "trash" it though the direct time entry method can get me anywhere I need to go in a hurry.

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