Make resolution of thumbs for filmstrip better? (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
June 25, 2008
when you manually add a new png cover art file for a movie in the movie database editor it saves the thumbnail as a jpg file and strips the transparency (as it should). In moving pictures is saves the thumbnail as a jpg file but keeps the transparency. It seems like its saving a png file with a jpg extension.
I'm not complaining by any means. I love this quirk :)

edit: when I try to upload the file Media Portal forms tells me:

Anchorman%3a.The.Legend.of.Ron.Burgundy [485299197].jpg:
This PNG image has the incorrect file extension.
which confirms my suspicions!


Community Plugin Dev
June 7, 2007
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United States of America United States of America
Heh heh, I think that was just a bit of laziness on my part. I hard-coded the file extension when initially testing the functionality, and never got around to fixing it. I really should change it to save with the correct extension.

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