Manual Control tab in TV Server Configuration stopped working (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
October 28, 2011
Home Country
Ireland Ireland
I've no idea what has caused it but when I select "Manual control" in TV Server Config, all I get is a momentary hourglass, and then nothing, or rather it continues to show the previous tab that was selected.

I'm running MP 1.4.0 and I've attached the SetupTV-Error log file which indeed seems to be indicating something is amiss.

Any ideas, or is it a backup - reinstall - restore job?


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  • September 1, 2008
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    Hello AlunS

    It looks like you no longer have any TV channel groups?



    Portal Pro
    October 28, 2011
    Home Country
    Ireland Ireland
    No, I've got 6 TV channel groups, all working fine. The only thing there that doesn't seem to be working 100% is dragging the tabs to reorder the groups. For some groups it works, and for others it doesn't, for some reason.
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    Portal Pro
    October 28, 2011
    Home Country
    Ireland Ireland
    This is strange. A complete reinstall gets it back working for a while and then all of a sudden it stops working again. I'm also getting errors like in the TVService log file which seem to indicate a failure of some database query. I've downloaded MySQL workbench and everything looks OK in the relevant tables to my untrained eye. Coincidentally (or maybe not) I also can't export TV channels from SetupTV any more .. it just hangs for ever (well, over an hour anyway). Could these be connected?

    EDIT: When I attempt to export the channels I see I also get a similar looking error to when I attempt to start Manual Control. See SetupTV-Error log file.
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