Media Center - Performance pressure (2 Viewers)


Portal Pro
December 26, 2006
Home Country
Canada Canada
Media Center are a rather coming of age breed of computers.

A lot of issues with the current operating systems really interfere with the performance of these machines, that are being told to record TV, burn DVD movies, encode video, and display endless movies.

On top of that they have various applications running on them to support these features.


My home Media Center:

Windows XP Pro SP2 (Custom) - number of services turned off, removed an lot of files when creating my custom slipstream disk such as help and languages.

Media Portal latest SVN build
Beyond TV - for TV Recording
Trend Mirco 2006 Anti-Virus
Firefly software

Plus I carefully at the start watch the number of services and background tasks running.

Now I rarely have time to defrag, which I think is a very difficult area to get into.

Windows XP is better at handling hard disk volumes.

I spit my drives into two, smaller parts goes to Windows XP OS, Larger part to page file and movie storage to cut down on maintenance issues.

Both drives have been defrag at one time or another, but I rather have time to bring the system down for that much operation.

Performance impact is very little since I believe that XP can at least keep stuff together for awhile.

Plus I took indexing, and system restore off. Set page file to the same min and max values.

Media Portal, and Beyond TV both use up there own resources according, and are running with a certain respect to the rest of the system.

Now bigger issues is to actually disable the anti-virus.

We all know that real-time anti-virus do eat CPU cycles, and cause an number of delaying issues. Plus it's more RAM, more services running, and in general more crap going then needed.

Issues with disabling Anti-virus, unsure. For an system that uses the internet for nothing more then guide updates to the TV, IMDB access, rarely used for the actually internet; may not run into an actually virus.

Trend Mirco does provide an online virus scanner that could be used once an month to doublecheck that.

I have the anti-virus disabled from scanner certain folders.

Even AVG uses enough resources to be noticeable.

So I'm thinking tonight to actually uninstall the anti-virus, enabled the the windows firewall (I know, but hey it doesn't use much on resources, and it does an basic level protection), and see if the improvement is actually worth it.

There's only so much that can be done to squeeze the system to the best, but more has to be done.

Another solution is to pull any resources away from the mainboard. Such as onboard video, sound, and lan.


Portal Pro
December 26, 2006
Home Country
Canada Canada
That article alone proves my point.

We do run an firewall on the router, so goodbye anti-virus when I get home.


Portal Pro
December 30, 2006
Houston, TX
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
No antivirus or software firewall on my HTPC, but I don't use it for any web browsing whatsoever. It runs MP/BeyondTV. Router firewall is of course in use, and all other computers on the network are fully protected.

For defragging I use Perfectdisk 8.0 from Raxco. I have it scheduled to run very late at night once a week. Perfectdisk comes with it's own agent and defrag service, both of which are active all the time (a potential negative), but I have noticed no performance impact from those services, and it does an excellent job of keeping the drives defragmented.


Portal Pro
February 18, 2006
Salt Lake City, UT
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United States of America United States of America
samundsen - thanks for the tip about the defrag software. It never even occurred to me that there might be third party defraggers. How about disk cleanup programs?


Retired Team Member
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  • June 30, 2005
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    I don't run antivirus on my HTPC, either. Seldom do I browse the WWW with it, and when I do, I use Opera, not only because it's safer but because the zoom feature makes reading webpages easier on my low resolution CRT TV. I have Ghost images in case something breaks.


    Portal Pro
    December 30, 2006
    Houston, TX
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    United States of America United States of America
    samundsen - thanks for the tip about the defrag software. It never even occurred to me that there might be third party defraggers. How about disk cleanup programs?

    For disk cleanup I use CCLEANER, but I don't think it can be scheduled. I run it manually every once in a while. It does a great job cleaning up leftover junk....


    Retired Team Member
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  • July 25, 2005
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    I have always told people setting up a dedicated HTPC - installing and configuring the device is COMPLETELY different then installing or configuring a PC. You have to treat a HTPC as an embedded system. Keep it as simple and as lean as possible. The less there is on the machine, the less there is to break.

    Im also not running any AV of Firewall software on both of my HTPC's. My router performs the hardware firewall duties. When you consider what a dedicated HTPC has on it, even if it was infected by a virus, the most I would lose due to corruption or reinstallation would be television shows and movies I've ripped from my DVD's. Hardly anything to be concerned about.

    I have my HTPC's wake up at 3AM and perform a disk cleanup, disk defrag, and perform a full reboot. then power scheduler shuts the system off after MP starts with a timeout of 5 minutes of inactivity. The next morning you have a fresh HTPC ready to take on the recording challenges for the day. :D

    In fact, I have so many services off, options disabled, default programs removed and settings changed that when the box boots up, its running 12 services and using less than 95mb of RAM. My results are with a regular installation of XP professional but people running XP embedded are getting even better results than I am and If i was to use a program like nlite to make a custom installation of XP, im sure we could do even better than that.

    If you remember to treat the device differently than your regular desktop PC, then the results will be fantastic.


    Portal Pro
    April 11, 2006
    Home Country
    England England
    I wouldn't dream of using an anti virus program on my htpc, its completely pointless.


    Portal Pro
    November 8, 2005
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    That's quite interesting...

    Is there a list of suggested services/options etc in to disable in winXP for mediaportal?

    This would be excellent supplemental info for the doc or wiki or something.

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