Media Importer - Most video files have no results in Possible Matches (2 Viewers)


Portal Pro
July 26, 2006
Home Country
Cyprus Cyprus
That's very odd. So you have another 0.7.2 installation you just built from scratch and it's working correctly?

Based on your logs it just looks like IMDb is timing out. Have you tried rerunning the import process again recently (after you confirmed it was working on your other system)? Maybe IMDb was down or responding too slowly for a while?

Yes i have one i just build and it works
and Yes i tried doing a re-import after and still same problem


Community Plugin Dev
June 7, 2007
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
Does your computer that is not working have access to the internet?


Portal Pro
July 26, 2006
Home Country
Cyprus Cyprus
I manage to fix this.

I tried re-install of MP and plugins but nothing happened.
I tried loggin in a different new WinXP user Nothing happened.

Then i put a static Private IP Address on my HTPC instead of the one from DHCP server and it Worked.


Portal Member
October 13, 2007
I'm having the same issue. I came to this forum to see if this was a known issue and how to workaround it, and well, perfect timing. :)

It looks like mine is due to a slow internet connection. I have a satellite internet provider and on most nights, the thing gets -very- slow. The movie importer seems to be timing out. I have had no problems with the built in Videos of Media Portal finding everything. But its a crapshoot if Moving Pictures will find something. And even when it does, it usually doesn't download everything; there are a lot of fields left empty.

Is there anyway to increase the timeout period? Or the number of retries before it bails out?


10-Mar-2009 21:22:24  Info [       MovieImporter]: Started MovieImporter 
10-Mar-2009 21:22:24  Info [       MovieImporter]: Initiating full scan on watch folders. 
10-Mar-2009 21:22:24  Info [       MovieImporter]: Started watching 'C:\TV\Movies' (Fixed) - Path is now being monitored for changes. 
10-Mar-2009 21:22:34 Error [          WebGrabber]: Connection failed: Reached retry limit of 5. URL=;q=NATIONAL%20LAMPOONS%20BARELY%20LEGAL System.Net.WebException: The operation has timed out
   at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
   at Cornerstone.Tools.WebGrabber.GetResponse()
10-Mar-2009 21:22:34  Info [       MovieImporter]: No exact match for NATIONAL_LAMPOONS_BARELY_LEGAL 
10-Mar-2009 21:22:51 Error [          WebGrabber]: Connection failed: Reached retry limit of 5. URL= System.Net.WebException: The operation has timed out
   at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
   at Cornerstone.Tools.WebGrabber.GetResponse()
10-Mar-2009 21:22:58 Error [          WebGrabber]: Connection failed: Reached retry limit of 5. URL= System.Net.WebException: The operation has timed out
   at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
   at Cornerstone.Tools.WebGrabber.GetResponse()
10-Mar-2009 21:23:05 Error [          WebGrabber]: Connection failed: Reached retry limit of 5. URL= System.Net.WebException: The operation has timed out
   at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
   at Cornerstone.Tools.WebGrabber.GetResponse()
10-Mar-2009 21:23:05  Info [    MovieManagerPane]: refreshing movie #1 
10-Mar-2009 21:23:32 Error [          WebGrabber]: Connection failed: Reached retry limit of 5. URL= System.Net.WebException: The operation has timed out
   at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
   at Cornerstone.Tools.WebGrabber.GetResponse()
10-Mar-2009 21:23:39 Error [          WebGrabber]: Connection failed: Reached retry limit of 5. URL= System.Net.WebException: The operation has timed out
   at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
   at Cornerstone.Tools.WebGrabber.GetResponse()
10-Mar-2009 21:23:46 Error [          WebGrabber]: Connection failed: Reached retry limit of 5. URL= System.Net.WebException: The operation has timed out
   at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
   at Cornerstone.Tools.WebGrabber.GetResponse()
10-Mar-2009 21:23:46  Info [    MovieManagerPane]: refreshing movie #1


Community Plugin Dev
June 7, 2007
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
Timeout and retries are defined by the script. You would have to add some attributes to the retrieve nodes to make the change. See this documentation for details. If you figure out some numbers that work better for you let me know.


Portal Member
October 13, 2007
Timeout and retries are defined by the script. You would have to add some attributes to the retrieve nodes to make the change. See this documentation for details. If you figure out some numbers that work better for you let me know.

Thanks for the reply. I had a hard time figuring out where these scripts were. I couldn't find the existing ones anywhere on my machine, but found a reference to the active ones in the configuration dialog. Then from the link you gave above, I somehow made it to the Google Code page and found the IMDB.xml script, downloaded it, and then added the retries, timeout and timeout_increment attributes to the retrieve element. I made them pretty big...and it worked. I was able to download everything, without failure.

I used: retries="8" timeout="30000" and timeout_increment="5000". I didn't yet try to pare that down to find out where my threshhold is, but I might do so if you need the info for any reason.

Thanks for helping me out. I'd be great if these variables were more visible, like in the configuration GUI, but...I can understand if they're not.

The latency on these satellite internet connections is horrible. Actually, the download rate isn't that great either!



Community Plugin Dev
June 7, 2007
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
Sorry I was not more clear on how to modify the script, and thanks for the info. As for the problems with the speed of IMDb, there is not much that we can do about that. They intentionally try to impede automatic data retrieval like we are doing, some of it we can work around but some of it we can not. The data is less complete but you may also want to consider switching to the data source, it should be a bit faster.

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