"Media not available" error (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
February 13, 2009
Let me first thank the Media Portal and Moving Pictures teams for giving us these excellent programs! I have been using MP for a few years now, but I'm new to Moving Pictures. I must say I was VERY impressed by database/import functionallity!

But now to my problem: After importing my movie files to the Moving Pictures database everything works out nicely, a couple of hangs/crashes when browsing but that is to be expected on a beta version (0.7.0). However, after restarting the system I get "Media not available....please insert or connect media...." error message when trying to play a (any) movie trough the plugin.

I have all my movie files on a server share, which is permanently mapped to a drive letter. I use read-only access.

I can still play the files trough "My Movies", so the problem is not actually with the connection. To Media Portal/Moving Pictures the drive is seen as a local disk.

I hope someone can give me a solution to my problem as is renders the plugin unusable. Still look great tho... :)

Software: WinXP SP3 Slipstreamed, Mediaportal 1.0.0, Moving Pictures 0.7.0, etc...


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  • April 6, 2008
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    ok nice description ;)

    Can you pls post your *debug* log (set mediaportal to debug logging, and do what you normally do when you get the "Media not available" message). I also have shares mapped to local drives and i have no problem myself.. also there were some fixes that will go into 0.7.1 that might deal with your problem (but again we need logs to verify that ofcourse)


    Portal Member
    February 13, 2009
    I'm impressed by your quick reply! :)

    I have (hopefully) attached my MoPic logfile, but expect these first lines also will tell the story:

    14-Feb-2009 10:01:13 Info [ DatabaseManager]: Successfully Opened Database: *\movingpictures.db3
    14-Feb-2009 10:01:13 Info [ SettingsManager]: SettingsManager Created
    14-Feb-2009 10:01:13 Info [ MovingPicturesCore]: Moving Pictures (0.7.0:485)
    14-Feb-2009 10:01:13 Info [ MovingPicturesCore]: Plugin Launched
    14-Feb-2009 10:01:13 Info [DatabaseMaintenanceM]: Checking for invalid file entries in the database.
    14-Feb-2009 10:01:16 Debug [ VolumeInfo]: Drive 'Z:' is not ready.
    14-Feb-2009 10:01:16 Info [DatabaseMaintenanceM]: Removed 0 file entries.
    14-Feb-2009 10:01:16 Info [DatabaseMaintenanceM]: Checking for invalid movie entries in the database.
    14-Feb-2009 10:01:17 Info [DatabaseMaintenanceM]: Removed 0 movie entries.
    14-Feb-2009 10:01:17 Debug [ DatabaseManager]: UPDATING:

    Also; last night I accessing the MoPic config and exiting without changing anything solved the problem. Now this did not help (all entries in the DB had red fonts - black as normal last night). :confused:

    Hope this helps you narrow in on the problem.


    Portal Member
    June 1, 2008
    I'm also having this problem, and like with TomEK, it seems to resolve itself at random every once in a while (only to come back later...). I've attached my movingpictures.log. Be aware that the film I'm trying to watch is in X:\Film\HD\720p, the references to D:\Movies are about an USB that wasn't attached at the time. The path I'm trying to open is on a NAS.

    Like TomEK, I have no problem watching the same film through My Videos, so the path seems to be recognizable. This leads to the question: when does MovingPictures decide a path is not available, and how does it check this?


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  • February 15, 2009
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    I can confirm I'm also having the same problem. All my movies are on a share mapped to M: and will play fine through the Video plugin in MP and can browse to them with windows explorer.

    Some of the movies will work, others won't and this changes throughout the day. Earlier tonight I went into the admin for MovingPictures and about 3 movies were red (those were the ones I've tried to play in the log), 5 minutes later 10 were red. I've attached my log file.


    Edit: Sorry I forgot to say I'm running the latest version, 0.7.1


    Portal Member
    June 1, 2008
    Glad I'm not totally alone in this. :)

    Funny thing is, yesterday I went into Moving Pictures (inside MP), and it started scanning (the blue bar moving left to right and back), and after some time, all my movies were listed twice. And for each title, I could play one of them, but not the other one?

    What I forgot to mention earlier: I'm also on XP SP3.


    Portal Member
    February 13, 2009
    After my previos post I have upgraded to 0.7.1, and also installed the MyTVSeries pluging.

    I get the same problem in the TVSeries plugin, wich leads me to believe that the problem is not caused by a bug in the Moving Pictures plugin, but rather "inherited" from Media Portal itself/environment.

    I will try to find time during the week-end and reinstall clean copies of both MP and the plugins. If problem still exsists I'll try to go thoroughly trough my settings and report back.

    I'm glad others have the same problem - makes me feel less stupid! ;)

    As a side note; I used nLite on my installation CD to remove unused drivers, components etc on the HTPC - I don't think I have removed anyting MP uses, but it would be nice to eliminate this eventuality.

    Does anyone running a "stock" version of WinXP (or Vista) get this problem?


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  • April 6, 2008
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    it would be really nice if you can reproduce the behaviour and post a debug log.. it *should* have been fixed in 0.7.1 but maybe we are overlooking something.

    is that the log were it prompted you that the Media was not Available?

    Can you confirm that 0.7.1 fixed your initial problem?


    Portal Member
    June 1, 2008
    The behavior is kinda radom, so not easy to reproduce, but will see what I can do over the weekend. I'm inclined to believe this is a problem with the OS rather than MP or the plugin, and so far I have looked more in that direction (trying to keep network connections alive and such). I also had a quick look at the code, and the way the plugin checks whether something is available upon play looked pretty straightforward, so that led me to believe it was something outside the plugin. Also, like TomEK, I sometimes have the problem in TV Series, but there I have the option to rescan, which is a good enough workaround for me. That would be helpful to have in Moving Pictures too. The behavior with the double entries is really odd though, so if there was a rescan option, it would obviously have to skip double entries. BTW, the log I posted earlier was also when I was prompted the media was not available. Not that I can see anything wrong there.

    Is there any normal tool that can let me have a look at the state of the SQLite database? Because so far I have found incomprehensible command-line tools or uncooperative Windows GUIs :)

    I'm not on 0.7.1 yet, will try that too.


    Retired Team Member
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  • April 6, 2008
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    autje: upgrade to 0.7.1 and see if the problem still occurs, we made some improvements in that area. The double entry problem shuld be solved.

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