Media Portal 1.2 crashes (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
August 21, 2011
I wonder: do you only get the crashes in MP, or do they also crash in other software (media software, games etc.). Either way, surely there must be a way to give feedback to Intel?

I do not get any crashes in other applications which use video. I did set up Microsoft Media Center for a while and had no crashes. I may try more extensive tests. I will install Windows Media Center again and run it for a full week, and report back. I in theory should get at least ONE crash with Windows Media Center in that week. (media portal has never gone 2 days without crashing at least once)

I doubt me saying anything to Intel will make one blind bit of difference.

Many thanks.


New Member
September 21, 2011
Home Country
Germany Germany

I think I have a problem related to this one, as I also have a Intel HD graphics card. It happens quite often (thwice to three times a week) that MP crashes. This is what I see: I watch TV in the evening, when finished leave the PC which usually hibernates after two minutes. When I come back in the morning, PC is still on and Windows reports that MP stopped working. It seems to me that the crash occured when the PC resumed from hibernation to grab EPG data. I want to add one thing: These crashed did not happen with MP 1.1.x. But before installing MP 1.2.0, I also reinstalled Windows with the latest drivers from the manufacturer pages - so drivers will have changed.

Maybe this helps!



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  • September 1, 2008
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    Hi Wolfgang

    Your issue seems to be totally different. It is unlikely to be the Intel driver as the crashes you're seeing are in kernel32.dll which is a core OS file. I think the error may be related to your Hauppauge remote:

    2011-10-06 23:59:44.061318 [ERROR][MPMain(1)]: StartHCW failed. Exception is: Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt.

    Please try to disable it temporarily and see if the issue persists.



    New Member
    September 21, 2011
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    OK. thanks! I will try and let you know. Problem is that crashes are not 100% reproducable so it may take some time.



    MP Donator
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  • September 19, 2011
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    Denmark Denmark
    I have crashes too using Intel HD Graphic. With the latest driver from Intel - a few weeks old, it "only" happens approx 1 time pr. 24 hour. Before that it was within a few hours. My crashes are now only with MP running and the crashes are BSOD. Unfortunately I almost never get a dump file from the BSOD, last sentence on the screen is that it is trying connect to disk for writing dumpfile (or something like that). I have one dump file, but can't analyze it, so I don't really know if it is caused by MP and Intel HD Graphis, and since it's a mediacenter, I don't use the PC for anything else than MP. If I let it run with just Windows open there is no BSOD.


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