USB flash drives are extremely cheap now, so that might be an option. But I'm not sure they are fast enough to simultaneously read and write at the required rates.
Maybe it would work for time shifting one tv card, but if your setup will have multiple tv cards I really doubt a USB flash drive would be fast enough.
You could put all your static media (what I mean is, the stuff that doesn't change, like photo's, music, DVD rips) onto the same drive as the timeshifting. That way you'd only really be using either the time shifting or the other media, not both at the same time (or if you did it would be rare and music and photo's are low in size and transfer speed requirements so they shouldn't overload the drive).
My main priority would be getting the timeshifting and the recording locations on separate drives, aside from that I don't think it will matter too much if there is other data on either drive.
Maybe it would work for time shifting one tv card, but if your setup will have multiple tv cards I really doubt a USB flash drive would be fast enough.
You could put all your static media (what I mean is, the stuff that doesn't change, like photo's, music, DVD rips) onto the same drive as the timeshifting. That way you'd only really be using either the time shifting or the other media, not both at the same time (or if you did it would be rare and music and photo's are low in size and transfer speed requirements so they shouldn't overload the drive).
My main priority would be getting the timeshifting and the recording locations on separate drives, aside from that I don't think it will matter too much if there is other data on either drive.