[News] MediaPortal 2.2.2 Release (1 Viewer)


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  • May 16, 2008
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    Germany Germany
    We are proud to present MediaPortal 2.2.2
    MediaPortal 2.2.2 is a full-blown media center software that addresses the most common user requirements out of the box. Besides its TV and Radio services it is also offering a complete media management for movies, series and music, including posters, album and fan art as well as additional metadata (e.g. actor, director and much more) that are automatically downloaded from the internet. MediaPortal 2.2.2 also provides access to online video sources such as Netflix and Amazon Prime. Integrated news, weather information and management for your digital images complete this software package.

    This update includes several bug fixes and a few new things. You can find a list of changes with all details at the end of this news – major changes are:

    One-click deletion of grouped recordings: Grouped recordings in the TV recording folder, e.g. series, can now be deleted with one single click instead having to go manually through each individual entry.
    Radio recordings: You can now skip, pause and resume within a radio recording like in any TV recording
    Manual schedules: Manually added schedules will now appear in the list of scheduled recordings

    Client wake-up at 2:00: A bug that caused a client to wake up every night was fixed.
    Party Music Player: The party player is now capable of handling large playlists with more than 1000 entries

    MediaPortal 2.2.2's functionality can be further extended through the installation of additional plugins. The choice of extensions, while currently limited, is steadily growing. Discover what else is available in our Featured Plugins section.

    A new Trakt plugin has been developed with better sync and watched flags management, completely compatible with the new User Management system, allowing different trakt accounts for different users. The development of the plugin has been moved out from the standard Mediaportal 2 development. This will ease development and bug fixes.
    For details or manual, please refer to the related Wiki section.

    Webradio allows you to play internet radio without having to leave your familiar MP2 user interface.The plugin comes with over 10000's online radio stations from all over the world. Create your own filter from Country, City and any more. Make your own favorites list.

    Moving from MP1 to MP2
    Procedures to install MP2 in parallel to MP1 are described in the Wiki

    For all those who would like to move from MP1 to MP2 and preserve their current media organisation, our forum member raffe has created a small tool that will extract information from your MP-TvSeries and MovingPictures databases and picture folders, The tool will leave all your original data untouched, create .nfo files for all your media and copy existing pictures from your MovingPictures and MP-TvSeries to your new MediaPortal 2 media folders. The .nfo files and pictures then allow a smooth and quick import of all your media info into MediaPortal 2. See thee respective forum thread for further details.

    Full list of changes
    You can review all changes by taking a look at changelog: MediaPortal 2.2.2https://issues.team-mediaportal.com/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=10503&version=13100
    For known issues please check out our Jira and our Bug Reports Forum.

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