
  1. ajs

    1.36 MediaPortal 1 - 1.36 with x64 support released!

    We have just released MediaPortal 1.36 - Polar Express x86 and x64 version. Highlights of this release Bugfixes: [MP1-5229] - MiniDisplayLibrary: Fix x64 compatibilty for HID VFD Control [MP1-5230] - Fix XySubFilter selection - check madVr selection prior to loading subtitle engine type...
  2. ajs

    1.34 MediaPortal 1 - 1.34 with x64 support released!

    We have just released MediaPortal 1.34 - Dune x86 and x64 version. Highlights of this release Bugfixes: [MP1-5201] - Fix MPC-HC subs resync [MP1-5202] - Fix MediaInfoService multiple request of the same file from different threads [MP1-5203] - Resume of inserted dvd/bluray disc doesn't work...
  3. ajs

    [News] MediaPortal 1 - 1.33 with x64 support released!

    MediaPortal 1.33 Release Written by Team-MediaPortal. We have just released MediaPortal 1.33 - Springtime / 20th Anniversary Thanks to the great work of our new developer Pablik we are now able to present you a x64 version of MediaPortal (starting with MP Pre Release 1.32) and x64 version of TV...
  4. ajs

    1.31.0 MediaPortal 1 - 1.31 Released!

    We have just released MediaPortal 1.31 Phoenix Highlights of this release Bugfixes: [MP1-5115] - Fix for TMDB / TI_MDB grabbers [MP1-5126] - Fix Volume setting for disable custom value when select Win10 method [MP1-5127] - tvspeilfilm broken [MP1-5128] - Playback randomly stops [MP1-5130] -...
  5. ajs

    1.30.0 MediaPortal 1 - 1.30 Released!

    We have just released MediaPortal 1.30 - Ukraine Highlights of this release Improvement / Rework: [MP1-5092] - Update MediaInfo and MediaInfo.Wrapper to 21.9.2 [MP1-5104] - Create a numeric only keyboard [MP1-5105] - Update MetadataExtractor to 2.7.1 [MP1-5106] - Update SQLite to 3.36...
  6. ajs

    1.29.0 MediaPortal 1 - 1.29 Released!

    We have just released MediaPortal 1.29 The Phantom Menace Highlights of this release Bugfixes: [MP1-5081] - WatchDog not switch Mediaportal log to Debug level [MP1-5082] - Error when MP restart [MP1-5086] - XMLTV Import error - An item with the same key has already been added. Since...
  7. ajs

    1.29.0 MediaPortal 1 - 1.28 "Summer Breeze" Released!

    We have just released MediaPortal 1.28 Summer Breeze Highlights of this release Bugfixes: [MP1-5053] - TV framerate is not parsed from tsbuffer [MP1-5058] - Infinity waiting in TVClient library [MP1-5059] - Performance stats displayed incorrectly [MP1-5061] - SQLite does not select all data...
  8. ajs

    1.29.0 MediaPortal 1.28 Pre-Release ready for testing!

    Pre Releases are provided as a way for the community to test and give feedback on all the exciting things we have lined up for the next release. We allocate about one month for Pre Release testing. In that time we will only fix bugs, after which comes the final release! Highlights of this...
  9. ajs

    1.27.0 MediaPortal 1.27 Pre-Release ready for testing!

    Pre Releases are provided as a way for the community to test and give feedback on all the exciting things we have lined up for the next release. We allocate about one month for Pre Release testing. In that time we will only fix bugs, after which comes the final release! Highlights of this...
  10. ajs

    [News] MediaPortal 1 - 1.25 Released!

    We have just released MediaPortal 1.25 Final - Summer 2020 Edition Highlights of this release Bugfixes: [MP1-4966] - Update Bass Nuget to 2.4.15 [MP1-4995] - Recorded-TV sort-by-duration not support sorting in the reverse direction [MP1-5001] - YesNoDialog ignores the default control...
  11. ajs

    [News] MediaPortal 1 - 1.24 Released!

    We have just released MediaPortal 1.24 Final Highlights of this release Bugfixes: [MP1-4969] - Fix typo in MyMusic DB Index. [MP1-4972] - Update MediaInfo Wrapper. [MP1-4908] - Fix for source directory with spaces. [MP1-4975] - Fix restore nuget from myget as priority. [MP1-4977] -...
  12. HTPCSourcer

    [News] MediaPortal 2.2.3 Release

    We are proud to present MediaPortal 2.2.3 MediaPortal 2.2.3 is a full-blown media center software that addresses the most common user requirements out of the box. Besides its TV and Radio services it is also offering a complete media management for movies, series and music, including posters...
  13. HTPCSourcer

    [News] MediaPortal 2.2.2 Release

    We are proud to present MediaPortal 2.2.2 MediaPortal 2.2.2 is a full-blown media center software that addresses the most common user requirements out of the box. Besides its TV and Radio services it is also offering a complete media management for movies, series and music, including posters...
  14. azzuro

    [News] MediaPortal 1 - 1.23 Released!

    Today we want to commemorate one of our developers who has left us forever at the beginning of the year through his sudden death. That's why we dedicate this MediaPortal release version to "regeszter" aka Attila, who spent a lot of time coding and with his innovative ideas made sure that you...
  15. O

    [News] MediaPortal 1 - 1.22 Released!

    We have just released MediaPortal 1.22 Final Highlights of this release (relative to 1.21 Final release): Bugfixes: We fixed an issue with Intel HDMI audio We fixed an issue with sound volume control and OSD on Windows 7 We fixed an issue with errors in displayed file timestamps We fixed an...
  16. HTPCSourcer

    [News] MediaPortal 2 - 2.2.1 Release

    We are proud to present MediaPortal 2.2.1 After the release of MediaPortal 2.2 Final the team focussed on improving usability and extending functionalities besides fixing bugs. MediaPortal 2.2 is a full-blown media center software that addresses the most common user requirements out of the box...
  17. O

    [News] MediaPortal 1 - 1.21 Released!

    We have just released MediaPortal 1.21 Final Highlights of this release Bugfixes: We fixed some issues with MadVR We fixed an issue with Dynamic Refresh Rate and the MediaInfo wrapper We fixed an issue where the end time was incorrect when TV recordings were imported We fixed/reworked the...
  18. ge2301

    [News] MediaPortal 2 - 2.2 Release

    We are proud to present MediaPortal 2.2 Final Since the recent release of MediaPortal 2.2pre, we fixed some minor things. We now proudly present the final version of our next major release of MediaPortal 2 in version 2.2. MediaPortal 2.2 is a full-blown media center software that addresses the...
  19. ge2301

    [News] MediaPortal 2 - 2.2 Pre-Release

    We are proud to present MediaPortal 2.2 Pre-Release It has been some time since last release, but we were intensively working on the implementation of new features and some fundamental changes in the core of MediaPortal 2. As a result, we proudly present the next major release of MediaPortal 2...
  20. high

    [News] MediaPortal 1 - 1.20 Released!

    We have released MediaPortal 1.20 Final. Bugfixes: We fixed some issues with MadVR We fixed the issue where folder.jpg doesn't work properly with multiple subfolders We fixed the bug that crept into the MediaPortal 1.20 pre-release which led to running radio streams could not be stopped. We...
  21. high

    [News] MediaPortal 1 - 1.19.0 Released!

    We've just finished the final 1.19.0 release of MediaPortal 1! Highlights of this release Bugfixes: We fixed some issues with MadVR We fixed an issue where MP was not able to manage audio volume correctly We updated SQLite to version 3.21. This reduces CPU load and add bugfixes We fixed...
  22. high

    [News] MediaPortal 1.19.0 Pre-Release ready for testing!

    We from Team-MediaPortal wish everyone a safe and happy 2018! To celebrate the new year we have just released a Pre Release of MediaPortal 1.19.0. Happy testing! Pre Releases are provided as a way for the community to test and give feedback on all the exciting things we have lined up for the...
  23. HTPCSourcer

    [News] MediaPortal 2 - 2.1.3 Release

    The MP2 team is proud to present the release of MediaPortal 2.1.3 MediaPortal 2.1.3 is a full-blown media center software that addresses the most common user requirements out of the box. Besides its TV and Radio services it is also offering a complete media management for movies, series and...
  24. HTPCSourcer

    [News] MediaPortal 2 - 2.1.2 Release

    The MP2 team is proud to present the release of MediaPortal 2.1.2 MediaPortal 2.1.2 is a full-blown media center software that addresses the most common user requirements out of the box. Besides its TV and Radio services it is also offering a complete media management for movies, series and...
  25. high

    [News] MediaPortal 1 - 1.18.0 Released!

    We've just finished the final 1.18.0 release of MediaPortal 1. Highlights of this release Bugfixes: We fixed some issues with TSReader where RTSP timeouts were too short in some situations as well as seeking in recordings could trigger end-of-file if extra buffering delay is enabled in...
  26. high

    [News] MediaPortal 1 - 1.17.0 Released!

    We've just finished the final 1.17.0 release of MediaPortal 1. Highlights of this release MyVideos We fixed some bugs with video views, especially collections, user groups and libraries. We also added new properties to display icons of movie awards, extended MPAA text and movie awards text...
  27. HTPCSourcer

    [News] MediaPortal 2 -2.1 Release

    The MP2 team is proud to present the final release version of MediaPortal 2.1 MediaPortal 2.1 is a full-blown media center software that addresses the most common user requirements out of the box. Besides its TV and Radio services it is also offering a complete media management for movies...
  28. high

    [News] MediaPortal 1 - 1.14.0 Released!

    We've just finished the final 1.14.0 release of MediaPortal 1. Have a look at the ::release news:: to find out more about the improvements it brings to your HTPC!
  29. high

    [News] MediaPortal 1.13.0 Released!

    We've just uploaded the final 1.13.0 Release to Sourceforge. Have a look at the ::release news:: to find out more about the improvements it brings to your HTPC!
  30. high

    [News] MediaPortal 1.13.0 Pre-Release ready!

    We've just uploaded our latest 1.13.0 Pre-Release. Have a look at the ::release news:: to find out more about the improvements it brings to your HTPC! Happy testing!
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