or:its piss easy to dig up a direct download url from the html
that way you can download a .divx file and just watch it with your favorite player
infinity are there plans on doing more tutorial videos? cause i think they are excellent, and would save lots of post of people asking how to do certain things.
congrat on the ones already there.
infinity are there plans on doing more tutorial videos? cause i think they are excellent, and would save lots of post of people asking how to do certain things.
congrat on the ones already there.![]()
yes, i have planed to do additional tutorial videos. but i cant tell you when because my sparetime is too limited atm. and i want to wait until some things reached a "final state" so the tutorial stays vaild for a long time![]()
he, he.... thats allready in the worksinfinityloop, a small video of MediaPortal II (infinity) ?![]()
he, he.... thats allready in the worksinfinityloop, a small video of MediaPortal II (infinity) ?![]()