MediaPortal Widgets Plugin Releases (1 Viewer)


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  • January 30, 2008
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    AW: Re: AW: Re: AW: MediaPortal Widgets Plugin Releases

    yep,just seen in this case logs will also help,so please attach some clean logs. ;)

    of course :)


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  • October 1, 2007
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    bei System.Reflection.RtFieldInfo.InternalSetValue(Object obj, Object value, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, CultureInfo culture, Boolean doVisibilityCheck)
    bei System.Reflection.RtFieldInfo.SetValue(Object obj, Object value, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, CultureInfo culture)
    bei MediaPortal.GUI.Library.GUIWindow.OnWindowLoaded() MediaPortal.GUI.Music.GUIMusicPlayingNow

    i think this will help Andy understand...indeed from your screenshot the clock have a strange reflection too(should be 15:02 but looks like 09:02) not only a wrong position.But when it comes to coding i can't help you much.


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  • August 13, 2007
    Königstein (Taunus)
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    AW: MediaPortal Widgets Plugin Releases

    Hi Flavio, "System.Reflection.RtFieldInfo.InternalSetValue" has nothing to do with the reflection on the clock, which is just an image ;).
    Maybe it´s a DirectX error or something like that.


    Portal Pro
    January 9, 2008
    Atlanta, GA
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    Hi all,

    The clock is indeed displaying the right time in the posted image. It is that the origin (x,y) of the hands that is not correct.

    I read the skin thread as well as this one. Is it the case that some people have it working and others not? If it is, then that would suggest that something outside the plugin is influencing its poor behavior.

    I have looked through the plugin graphics and xml (all seem to be correct) and I have looked through the code again. I am a bit puzzled by this one. The algorithm for computing the clock hands position is simple and done once for all the hands; don't know how the origin could be different for all three hands :confused: To compute the hands rotation I simply apply a rotation transform to the global matrix (the code calls it a final transform matrix), draw the hands, then reset the global matrix. I suppose their could be a directx problem somewhere but it seems very unlikely to me.

    I installed the new PureVisionHD skin and the clock is functioning properly on my installation. Can some verify that it does work for them?

    catavolt - I assume it's working for you, right?
    Helios61 - Please verify that you have a latest svn build installed; I also notice that you have DX11 installed. I am using 9.0c, not sure if that leads to any issues (again, likely not, just mentioning it though).



    Design Group Manager
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  • August 13, 2007
    Königstein (Taunus)
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    AW: MediaPortal Widgets Plugin Releases

    Hi Andy, works great here (and with other users as well, e.g. rekenaar as you can see from his screenshot in the PureVisionHD thread).
    If it didn´t work I wouldn´t have integrated it in my skins ;)
    helios: Please reinstall also DirectX9 (latest version) and try again!


    Portal Pro
    January 9, 2008
    Atlanta, GA
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    Re: AW: MediaPortal Widgets Plugin Releases

    Hi Andy, works great here (and with other users as well, e.g. rekenaar as you can see from his screenshot in the PureVisionHD thread).
    If it didn´t work I wouldn´t have integrated it in my skins ;)
    @Helios: Please reinstall also DirectX9 (latest version) and try again!

    We still have not figured out what s going wrong on Helios installation. I had him run a debug version of the MPW dll and the geometry for the hands positions is identical to that computed on my machine (same skin, same system time). I'll see if I can get his MP install package and recreate the problem; otherwise it's something else on his machine causing a problem (directx 11?).


    Retired Team Member
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  • January 30, 2008
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    AW: Re: AW: MediaPortal Widgets Plugin Releases

    Hi Andy, works great here (and with other users as well, e.g. rekenaar as you can see from his screenshot in the PureVisionHD thread).
    If it didn´t work I wouldn´t have integrated it in my skins ;)
    @Helios: Please reinstall also DirectX9 (latest version) and try again!

    We still have not figured out what s going wrong on Helios installation. I had him run a debug version of the MPW dll and the geometry for the hands positions is identical to that computed on my machine (same skin, same system time). I'll see if I can get his MP install package and recreate the problem; otherwise it's something else on his machine causing a problem (directx 11?).

    Andy, which folders do you need exactly?


    Retired Team Member
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  • January 30, 2008
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    AW: MediaPortal Widgets Plugin Releases

    Maybe it´s DirectX11. For MP it is clearly stated to use DirectX9 latest version.

    Hi Catavolt!

    For me installation of Directx9 doesn't work. With webinstaller i get the message attached in screenshot and after installing of the full package in DXInfo DirectX 11 is shown! :confused:

    Best regards



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