Memory Leak! (MediaPortal 0.2 RC2) (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
December 20, 2005
I have tested this on 6 totaly different machines and 3 different TV cards all with the same results. I have tested with a few previous versions and have had memory problems aswell. As I use mediaportal just changing videos, going into and out of fullscreen (just normal operations) I watched the memory go from 210meg to 890, and I have seen it go passed 1500meg!!! Is there going to be a fix for this as I was hopping it would be in MediaPortal 0.2 RC2.


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  • December 7, 2004
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    Its obviously not reproducable enough if it hasnt been fixed. Ive just tried it on both machines and neither of which exceed 130meg of memory. Goes between 60 and 130meg while doing what you described. 10mins in its still holding steady.


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  • April 22, 2004
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    Note that none of the mediaportal team members has experienced this.
    From the sounds of it, it should be easy to reproduce and we would have had much more bug reports on this issue. Since we dont, i suspect its a local problem somehow.
    Offcourse it can be a MP problem, but please remind it can also be:

    - buggy VGA drivers
    - buggy TV card drivers
    - buggy soundcard drivers
    - buggy video/audio codecs
    etc etc etc

    At this moment I am not convinced yet its a real bug of MP




    Portal Member
    December 20, 2005

    I am just using ATI Drivers, and the AverMedia WDM Drivers, I think it might have something to do with the KLite codec pack then (I think it is called). As just now I had to restart MP as I was watching the memory rise quite quickly while a movie was paused. I started at 278meg closed MP around 890meg. I have also tried it with NVidia GF4800se and haupage card.

    Also I have not had any problems with Mediaplayer or Others which makes me think it is not a prob with the codecs?

    I really would like to get it working. It is a great media player. I love playing Tetris with my Streamzap remote!

    Please don't take my post as if I am saying "This is a crap app", as I am saying "Can you help me get this great MP working right please..."


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  • February 23, 2005
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    I think if you really want help (please don't consider this a slam and as a cut against you) you need to fill out the support template. There is a support tool (it can be found at the beginning of this forum in the announcement post at the top of General Support) which can do this for you almost automatically. Once that information is posted then maybe a developer or someone else can look at the condition you are in nd provide some help. At the present time most anyone can do is ask twety+ questions and that gets old real fast.



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  • April 26, 2005
    Perth, Australia
    it could well be a codec pack they are well known for wreaking havoc on a system!

    Could you make sure that you are in vmr9 video rendering for tv and movies etc... rather than vmr7




    Portal Member
    December 20, 2005
    Sorry about no template, I have used it on many machines as I said. Here is the box specs I am using atm :

    Area: Media Portal Program
    MP Version: 0.2 RC2
    Skin: Blue2
    Windows Version: XPsp2
    CPU Type: Intel P4 2.53ghz
    Memory: Kingston 512meg (333mhz, When I put 1gig it drops the ram speed even more on this board so I leave it at 512)
    Motherboard Chipset: ECS P4S5a/DX+
    Video Card: ATI 9800pro
    Video Card Driver: 1.2.2128.637
    Video Render Type: Dont know what this it?
    Video Codec Type & Version: kLite code pack
    Audio Codec Type & Version: kLite code pack
    TV Card: type of TV card, AVERmedia 350
    TV Card Type: What is this question for?
    TV Card Driver: AVERMedia driver

    Please let me know if you would like more information...

    Also I was in VMR 7 what ever that means. I set it to 9. I will watch to see if there are any changes in performance and will let you know.


    Portal Member
    December 20, 2005
    Thank you every one that replyed. The problem I think was the VMR set to 7. After setting it to 9 I have not had any crazy ram usage. I am not sure what VMR is but maybe 7 shouldn't be an option if it can cause such problems or maybe make 9 standard. But as I said, I do not know what it is.

    I actualy work as a programmer but in Live Communication Server and Business apps, I really do not know much about building graphs for codecs video or audio. Would love to help if there was anything for me to do...


    Retired Team Member
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  • April 26, 2005
    Perth, Australia
    come chat to us on IRC and then you can discuss what you could or couldnt do for us :D we are a friendly bunch and we dont bite ... honest!




    Portal Member
    December 20, 2005
    Thanks Steve, could you please give me the server address and room name, I had a look for it and know it would be posted some where really obvious.

    Thank you

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