MePo Tools - Download ClearArt/CDArt/ClearLogos, Music Video clips and more! (6 Viewers)


Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • February 29, 2008
    Home Country
    Ukraine Ukraine
    does it have an individual incremental index code for every music file in the database that starts at 00001 ?
    Yes, idTrack
    RecNo	idTrack	strArtist	strTitle
    1	1	| Guns N' Roses |	Reckless Life
    2	2	| Guns N' Roses |	Nice Boys
    3	3	| Guns N' Roses |	Move To The City
    4	4	| Guns N' Roses |	Mama Kin
    5	5	| Guns N' Roses |	Patience
    6	6	| Guns N' Roses |	Used to Lover Her
    7	7	| Guns N' Roses |	You're Crazy
    8	8	| Guns N' Roses |	One In A Million
    9	9	| Touch & Go |	Blowing(feat, Ever C)
    10	10	| Touch & Go |	Danceteria Bongo Bong
    11	11	| Touch & Go |	Extasy feat P.Ondria What a Wo
    12	12	| Touch & Go |	Jazz Essentials (Jazz con Bass
    13	13	| Touch & Go |	Le Flic Et La Fille
    14	14	| Touch & Go |	Mary Mary Shackles
    15	15	| Touch & Go |	Straight To #1(Cool Fish Mix)
    16	16	| Touch & Go |	Straight To...Number One(Latin
    17	17	| Touch & Go |	Straight To ... Number One
    18	18	| Touch & Go |	Big Beat
    19	19	| Touch & Go |	Ecoutez Repetez
    20	20	| Touch & Go |	Would You...?
    21	21	| Touch & Go |	So Hot
    22	22	| Touch & Go |	Mein Freund Harvey
    23	23	| Touch & Go |	Tango In Harlem
    24	24	| Touch & Go |	Are You Talking About Me?
    25	25	| Touch & Go |	Life's A Beach
    26	26	| Touch & Go |	Thanks For Coming
    27	27	| Touch & Go |	Would You ...

    Invalid API key - You must be granted a valid key by
    Yes, there need to set him up, I just decided not to shine my key in the forum.

    PS: Do you have an account with Last.Fm?
    Last edited:


    Super Moderator
  • Team MediaPortal
  • June 10, 2008
    New Zealand
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    Easiest way would be to just go one by one through the database and store the ID_No so we know how far we got if we get interrupted. We could check file not exists before downloading? When you click DL it always starts at ID_No and carries on. When ID_No hits the end of database we reset ID_No to 0.
    Last edited:


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • February 29, 2008
    Home Country
    Ukraine Ukraine
    Easiest way would be to just go one by one through the database and store the ID_No so we know how far we got if we get interrupted. We could check file not exists before downloading?
    We can do everything :D , but I'm not quite sure about what kind of file you're asking. If I'm going to do what will work much the same as it is now running downloading pictures. Twice we will not download anything.

    EDIT: I just do not much want to download a list of all the songs, it will be a very large number of records (I think more than 10,000 or even more). And each will have to get a link to the page, then the link to YouTube, then YouTube itself. It's very expensive.
    Last edited:


    Super Moderator
  • Team MediaPortal
  • June 10, 2008
    New Zealand
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    Easiest way would be to just go one by one through the database and store the ID_No so we know how far we got if we get interrupted. We could check c:\music videos\%artist% - %title%.ext not exists before downloading?

    ^ is that your question?


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • February 29, 2008
    Home Country
    Ukraine Ukraine
    1. We go on the database, we get a link to YouTube, load the video?
    2. Go on the database, we get a link to YouTube and save it to a file, when they came to the end of the process of launching a video download all previously saved links?[DOUBLEPOST=1373970191][/DOUBLEPOST]
    I'll reply in 5 minutes with what I think we could do for the GUI list.
    Ok! But: I just do not much want to download a list of all the songs, it will be a very large number of records (I think more than 10,000 or even more). And each will have to get a link to the page, then the link to YouTube, then YouTube itself. It's very expensive.


    Super Moderator
  • Team MediaPortal
  • June 10, 2008
    New Zealand
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    I think we have to design this thinking that lots of people will only get half way and will stop, then will want to start again.

    I think #1 is better for that. Do one at a time.[DOUBLEPOST=1373970633][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Ok! But: I just do not much want to download a list of all the songs, it will be a very large number of records (I think more than 10,000 or even more). And each will have to get a link to the page, then the link to YouTube, then YouTube itself. It's very expensive.

    I think we should only do the "TOP tracks" idea

    1. Get list of artists from database
    2. Process next artist
    3. Check artist not already done this session
    4. Get list of top tracks
    5. For each track -> Check if "d:\artist - track.ext" exists -> If No -> Trackinfo -> URL -> Check for youtube url -> Download video -> Wait for youtube-dl.exe process to finish [Repeat for ## Top tracks]
    6. Mark artist as done for this session
    7. Goto #2.
    Last edited:


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • February 29, 2008
    Home Country
    Ukraine Ukraine
    I think we have to design this thinking that lots of people will only get half way and will stop, then will want to start again. I think #1 is better for that. Do one at a time.
    Both the regime will allow you to stop and go on a youtube downloader will be called or every time or just once at the end. Although it is not essential.

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