Milkdrop 2 not loading presets (1 Viewer)


New Member
November 4, 2011
I've searched several threads about Milkdrop 2 within MP as visualizer. And I got it working without too much problems. However, it only shows 1 single preset and that's a horizontal line that responds to the beat like an equalizer.

In Winamp it's possible to press F8 and navigate to the correct location but in MP that doesn't work as MP intercepts the keystroke. Strangely enough, there is nothing in the configuration file that seems to point to a directory with the presets. I've copied the exact layout from within the Winamp 2 plugin folder. It's in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Team Mediaportal\Mediaportal\Plugins\ and in there is the .dll and a Milkdrop2 subfolder with the presets/textures.

I changed file permissions as I wanted to make sure that wouldn't be a problem but to no avail. I have no idea why it doesn't work. I've search the registry to see if there's any information in there. But nope.

Anyone got a clue?

Paranoid Delusion

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  • June 13, 2005
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    Yep, work in progress, bassfan (vis author) and hwahrmann are waiting for MP to come out of feature freeze to implement some fixes regarding the visualisation working in MP.


    New Member
    November 4, 2011
    Alright, so it's a known problem with Milkdrop. In that case I'll wait for the next release and keep an eye on the forum.


    AW: Milkdrop 2 not loading presets

    I've searched several threads about Milkdrop 2 within MP as visualizer. And I got it working without too much problems. However, it only shows 1 single preset and that's a horizontal line that responds to the beat like an equalizer.

    In Winamp it's possible to press F8 and navigate to the correct location but in MP that doesn't work as MP intercepts the keystroke. Strangely enough, there is nothing in the configuration file that seems to point to a directory with the presets. I've copied the exact layout from within the Winamp 2 plugin folder. It's in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Team Mediaportal\Mediaportal\Plugins\ and in there is the .dll and a Milkdrop2 subfolder with the presets/textures.

    I changed file permissions as I wanted to make sure that wouldn't be a problem but to no avail. I have no idea why it doesn't work. I've search the registry to see if there's any information in there. But nope.

    Anyone got a clue?

    Sorry Deutsch.
    Ich weiss nicht was du genau meinst.
    So wie ich das verstehe möchtest du in den Presets von Milk2 im VollBild navigieren? (Auswählen)
    Praktisch ist das möglich da alle Tastatur befehle von Milk2 genauso in vis_BassVis funktionieren wie in Winamp selbst.
    Vorrausgesetzt die möglichkeit wird in Mp implementiert bzw. zur verfügung gestellt.

    Dazu benötigt man den Focus auf das Visualisierungs Fenster damit die Tastatur befehle in Milk auch ankommen.

    I know not what you exactly mean.
    As I understand the want to you navigate in the presets from Milk2 in the screen? (Select)
    Practically, this is possible because all keyboard commands just as vis_BassVis of Milk2 work like in Winamp itself.
    Pre out exposure is the possibility of in MP implemented or provided.

    They need the focus on the visualization window so that the keyboard commands in milk also arrive.


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  • September 15, 2004
    Vienna, Austria
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    Yes, i know that in Milkdrop it is possible to use special keys.

    But F8 for example is used within MP to Move to the next track.
    And it is more important to handle Player functionality than to map keys to the Viz.


    AW: Milkdrop 2 not loading presets

    Not understand what your mean

    z/x/c/v/b: navigate playlist (prev/play/pause/stop/next)
    U: toggle shuffle
    P: show playlist
    up/down arrows: volume up/down
    left/right arrows: rewind/ffwd 5 seconds
    SHIFT + left/right arrows: rewind/ffwd 30 seconds

    F1: show help screen
    F2: show song title
    F3: show song length
    F4: show preset name
    F5: show fps (frames per second)
    F6: show rating of current preset
    F7: re-read custom message file (milk_msg.ini) from disk
    F8: jump to new directory (for presets)
    F9: toggle stereo 3D on/off

    all this key work after the VisWindow has a Focus befor use desired Key's

    this do nothing with MP.....
    MP has the Focus then F8 go to the Winproc of MP
    VIS has the Focus then F8 go to the Winproc of Milk2

    problem of MP is handle the correct Focus, that's is all



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  • September 15, 2004
    Vienna, Austria
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    Hallo Emil,

    Ich WILL nur nicht, Dass "F8" an Winamp geht und "Jump to presets macht. :)

    F8 ist in MP für "Next Song" reserviert, egal, ob jetzt eine Viz angezeigt wird oder nicht.

    Ich weiß, wie ich den Focus einbauen könnte, nur dann jammert sicher wieder einer, dass er nun jetzt nicht mehr in den nächsten Song kommt, wenn die Vis Full Screen ist.




    AW: Milkdrop 2 not loading presets

    Ich weiß, wie ich den Focus einbauen könnte, nur dann jammert sicher wieder einer, dass er nun jetzt nicht mehr in den nächsten Song kommt, wenn die Vis Full Screen ist.
    In diesem Fall würden ja dann diese keys für next und prev eines Titels zuständig sein( VollBild vorrausgesetzt natürlich)
    z/x/c/v/b: navigate playlist (prev/play/pause/stop/next)

    Mich stört es nicht wenn die sachen nicht implementiert sind ;)
    Wollte es nur mal ansprechen das es grundsätztlich gehen WÜRDE..

    Ich WILL nur nicht, Dass "F8" an Winamp geht und "Jump to presets macht. :)
    Kann ich verstehen immerhin hast du mehr wissen als ich was da in MP vorgeht.



    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • September 15, 2004
    Vienna, Austria
    Home Country
    Austria Austria
    Yes, fully understand that and i appreciate any comments / suggestions from your side regarding Viz support.

    It is just that i don't want to introduce confusion.
    in your sample above, the key "b" for example would be needed to "STOP" playback.
    i simply fear that we will get more questions than it is worth for.

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