Missing background images for supported extensions when using Classic Menu (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
December 23, 2009
Hello Guys,

I have searched trough this forum but i didnt find the answer, so i will post it here:

Since i didnt like the concept of Titan's Basic Home menu, im using the Classic (horizontal) Home Menu. I noted that the background image for the extensions like Moving Pictures, TV Series and Online Videos is the default one. Since Titan Skin is supposed to officially support these extensions, i was expecting to see a specific background image for these plugins.

Am i missing something, or this is something that is being worked on?

Thank you very much.


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  • June 10, 2008
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    You can add these yourself if you goto the titan media directory
    start menu -> all progs -> team mepo -> mepo -> user files
    Then Skins -> Titan -> Media

    Create "hover_moving pictures.png" "hover_my tv series.png" etc, you can use the existing hover images, just copy + rename them.
    Last edited:


    Portal Member
    December 23, 2009
    OK, thanks for the help. It worked. Just lost some time trying to find the exact name of each background file. Also i realized that the file extension MUST be .png, otherwise it does not work. What i did:

    - Renamed the weather background to "hover_worldweather.png"
    - Renamed the tv series background to "hover_my tv series.png"
    - Copied the moving pictures background from StreamedMP and renamed to "hover_moving pictures.png"
    - Copied the online videos background from StreamedMP and renamed to "hover_onlinevideos.png"

    I wonder if the Titan developers are planing to add those missing background images to the Titan Extended package... It would help for those ones that want to use the Classic Menu...


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