Missing search button in Mymusic (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
September 9, 2007
Hi guys,

First of all I really like streamedmp. It's a great skin.

So I installed the new beta and installed the skin and the globalmusicsearch plugin. But now I have a weird problem. In the side menu of mymusic I miss the search options (view Screenshot).

I tried to reinstall streamedmp, but had no luck, the button is still gone. What can be the reason for that?

Any ideas?



  • ss.JPG
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Portal Member
August 28, 2009
Mine was missing when I first reinstalled, but then it reappeared out of nowhere after I messed around with the "Sort By", "Layout", and "Switch View" buttons for a while. Now it's there every time I load up -- no clue why, sorry! :(

Just out of curiosity, what "globalmusicsearch plugin" are you talking about?


Portal Pro
October 17, 2006
Home Country
United Kingdom United Kingdom
If using Global Search this be the problem...

<description>Global Search</description>
<label>Global Search</label>
<visible>plugin.isenabled(Global search)</visible>

The name changed from Global Search to Search Music, in mymusicsongs.xml and mymusicgenres.xml change the above to

<description>Global Search</description>
<label>Global Search</label>
<visible>plugin.isenabled(Search music)</visible>


Portal Member
August 28, 2009
Thx theskinfan1, I changed the view to artist instead of shares and now the search button is there and working. But when I switch back it's gone again. Hm, anyone who can confirm that too?

The search plugin I use is the following:
I really don't mean to derail your thread, but how did you get that plugin to work with StreamedMP?

I'm running MP 1.1 beta on Windows 7 RC1 with StreamedMP 0.9x installed, and I can't get GMS to work at all. :(

I've tried both automatic (mpi) and manual installs.


Portal Member
September 9, 2007
Thx for the info, Trevor. Now I have the globalsearch button in the jumpto list.

But it is still strange that the normal search button only appears if I choose another view than the shares view.

BTW: If it is there it correctly links to the global search plugin. That means I could get rid of the extra global Search jumto list link, if only the normal search button would be there at any time.

I really don't mean to derail your thread, but did you get that plugin to work with StreamedMP?

I'm running MP 1.1 beta on Windows 7 RC1 with StreamedMP 0.9x installed, and I can't get it to work at all. :(

Strange because for me it's working except the weird search problem. Just installed the latest versions of mediaportal, streamedmp and the plugin.


Portal Pro
October 17, 2006
Home Country
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Thx for the info, Trevor. Now I have the globalsearch button in the jumpto list.

But it is still strange that the normal search button only appears if I choose another view than the shares view.

BTW: If it is there it correctly links to the global search plugin. That means I could get rid of the extra global Search jumto list link, if only the normal search button would be there at any time.

I really don't mean to derail your thread, but did you get that plugin to work with StreamedMP?

I'm running MP 1.1 beta on Windows 7 RC1 with StreamedMP 0.9x installed, and I can't get it to work at all. :(

Strange because for me it's working except the weird search problem. Just installed the latest versions of mediaportal, streamedmp and the plugin.

MP did look for Global Search and use that as instead of the inbuilt search in MP 1.0.2 but when the name changed this stopped, 99.9% sure this has been changed in 1.1 and if you have the current GS installed all should work.

Will check out the source later and have a look at what is happening....

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