folder for fanart is in the sub folder for your skin
for example Team MediaPortal/MediaPortal/skin/Indigo/Media/FanArt/Video
the folder is not created by default
you must create it and you put fanart that you want
it is imperative that fanart is the same name that the media and is png
if you want everything to be done automatically you can try Moving Pictures
Already tried Moving pictures, but at least on spanish, its DB doesnt recognize many films. And its a lot of work to do it manually. Also, i think my fanarts are jpg. So it gets even worse.
with a lot of software you can convert png to jpg
for example XnView
else you can use My Films ( i use it and its perfect for me )
it use a base created for the "ant movie catalog (there are spanish scripts)
format fanart is jpg but download fanart is not automatic