Moving Pictures 1.3.1: Now With Search (1 Viewer)


Community Plugin Dev
June 7, 2007
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Moving Pictures 1.3.1 Stable
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Moving Pictures is a movie management plug-in that focuses on both versatility and ease of use. Moving Pictures does it's best to load your movie collection as quickly as possible with very little user interaction and it then provides an easy to use but highly customizable interface to browse your movie collection.

If you have found a bug or have a question about specific Moving Pictures functionality please open a new thread so others with the same thoughts can more easily find the conversation.

Change Log

Wiki / User's Guide
Project Page
Skin Designer's Guide
Developer's Guide

This is a Beta
This is a beta release to make sure things are stable before it is pushed out to everyone. This build has already successfully made it through a round of testing so it is fairly stable, but if you are not willing to deal with the possibility of an unexpected bug or two you may want to wait a week or so until the Stable release comes out.

The biggest new feature in this release is search functionality. You can search by title, cast & crew or theme. This is accessible via the context menu (F9 for keyboard users). It is also possible for skin designers to add a search button to the main UI or a slide out menu if they like (although this is not implemented in the default skin). Other plugins can launch a search automatically via a "launch parameter" as well.

Custom Intro Videos
For a while it has been possible to play a specific video before your movie starts. It is now possible to use wild cards when specifying this video or poimnt to a folder instead of a file to get a random video to play. These features are currently only accessible from Advanced Settings but they allow you to do some interesting stuff. For example, play a random trailer or two based on the genre of the movie you are about to watch.

Additional Tweaks
This build also contains about a dozen scraper script updates. The annoying "IMDb - " prefix issue is now corrected and all existing movies in your collection with this problem will be automatically fixed. Several translation updates have been implemented as well. These script and translation updates are almost completely community driven, thanks to you guys for contributing. Seriously it is a huge help.

MediaInfo processing will now halt when playback begins. We have gotten rid of the import delay when files are locked (configurable). See the change log for a full list of what is included.

Final Thoughts
I also want to say thanks for everyone's patience. I know updates have been less frequent lately and this is probably a smaller release than what you folks are accustom to. Life gets busy sometimes. :p In any case thanks to everyone for the support. Thanks to all the contributors. And I am sorry in advance if I told you something would be in this release and it slipped. I will try harder! ;)


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    Re: Moving Pictures 1.3: Now With Search


    It is great that you are continuing to develop this plugin. I can't imagine MediaPortal without it.

    Now that the extension installer is much more mature, and becoming more popular, is there any chance of you moving to a mpei package rather than your own installer? MovingPictures is the last of the major plugins (for me) that comes with its own installer. MPEI packages really do make version handling much easier for the end user.

    If you need any help getting the installer sorted, just let me know and I will see what I can do.

    Best wishes,



    Portal Pro
    February 1, 2008
    Home Country
    Denmark Denmark
    Re: Moving Pictures 1.3: Now With Search

    Nice fforde!

    Anyone have a setup for Custom Intro Videos using soundformats like DTS/DD intros?

    oh btw. post number 1000 :D


    Portal Member
    March 18, 2008
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    Canada Canada
    Re: Moving Pictures 1.3: Now With Search

    This is awesome - I've got a set of custom intro videos from that have been sitting collecting dust, just waiting for this release so that I could show them off. Thanks for all your hard work on this project - Moving Pictures, for me, takes MediaPortal and puts it over-the-top from functional to "Wow, that's awesome!".


    MP Donator
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  • June 11, 2007
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Re: Moving Pictures 1.3: Now With Search

    Nice fforde!

    Anyone have a setup for Custom Intro Videos using soundformats like DTS/DD intros?

    oh btw. post number 1000 :D

    Hi, there are many intros and trailers on here :) High Definition Trailers (HD) - Demo World

    Checkout these:

    DTS Orchestra
    DTS SFX Long
    THX Cavalcade
    Dolby Spheres
    Dolby Digital Plus
    Dolby City Redux
    and Dolby Countdown

    I personally love the DTS Orchestra intro video which I use on all my movies, but now I will use them all! Hope this helps.

    Thanks for the update fforde! Are skin file changes needed for this beta release or are they compatible with existing?


    Community Plugin Dev
    June 7, 2007
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    Re: Moving Pictures 1.3: Now With Search

    Now that the extension installer is much more mature, and becoming more popular, is there any chance of you moving to a mpei package rather than your own installer?
    Yeah, will probably switch to MPEI with the next release.

    Are skin file changes needed for this beta release or are they compatible with existing?
    There are a few things newly available to skin designers like the Search button and the studio field. Existing skins will work fine though, there were no major changes.


    Portal Pro
    January 3, 2008
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    AW: Re: Moving Pictures 1.3: Now With Search


    It is great that you are continuing to develop this plugin. I can't imagine MediaPortal without it.

    Now that the extension installer is much more mature, and becoming more popular, is there any chance of you moving to a mpei package rather than your own installer? MovingPictures is the last of the major plugins (for me) that comes with its own installer. MPEI packages really do make version handling much easier for the end user.

    If you need any help getting the installer sorted, just let me know and I will see what I can do.

    Best wishes,


    +1 Oh yes please. Everytime I find a Plugin that is not available in the Extension Plugin I post this to the Author of the Plugin. Because sometimes he don't know that there is an Extension Installer (with Plugin) availlable. So I hope in the Feature all the Plugins would be availlable there.:D


    Portal Member
    April 21, 2008
    Home Country
    Canada Canada
    Re: Moving Pictures 1.3: Now With Search

    Hi, there are many intros and trailers on here :) High Definition Trailers (HD) - Demo World

    Checkout these:

    DTS Orchestra
    DTS SFX Long
    THX Cavalcade
    Dolby Spheres
    Dolby Digital Plus
    Dolby City Redux
    and Dolby Countdown

    I personally love the DTS Orchestra intro video which I use on all my movies, but now I will use them all! Hope this helps.

    Thanks for the update fforde! Are skin file changes needed for this beta release or are they compatible with existing?

    Thanks, I'm also looking for an HD version of just the regular DTS intro.

    Are we able to put multiple wildcards for the intro video such as: C:\${videocodec}.mkv;C:\${audiocodec}.mkv

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