MovingPictures can't find new Movies (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
April 22, 2010
Home Country
Austria Austria

I have a problem with adding new movies. All my movies are stored at my NAS and MovingPictures has the UNC path to this folder. I can access this folder from my HTPC where mediaportal is installed. My Movies are stored in extra subfolders per movie and named like that: "<Name> <(language)> <(cdnumber)>.<extension>" eg: "Avatar (DE) (CD 1).mkv"

the problem is that moving pictures don't recognice if I add a new movie. Last week he imported one of two movies and yesterday. none of two. A few weeks ago it works without changing anything in movingpictures (just changing the source of weatherdata in worldweather). The movies he can't find are .avi and .mkv files.

if you need more information or some log files, please tell me. hopefully somebody can help me.

thanks a lot


Extension Developer
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  • March 10, 2006
    Open MovPic config:

    Do any of your 'missing' movies show and simply failed to auto-match based on the filename you used? They will show with blue info icon that requires user-action to confirm/select what movie you mean. You can also use the binocular icon to adjust/edit the search paramaters on the spot, just keep in mind that if you ever reimport the same file, you would have to do that each time.

    You can use the "Regular Expression Noise Filter" settings under advanced settings to otherwise clean up your filenames so that the proper title is found.

    A better solution would be to simply add the IMDb tt-ID to the filename (or inside NFO file with simple NFO scanner option enabled) and MovingPictures will skip any title search and obtain the info direct.

    If nothing shows when you add new files, you might run into UNC scan issues, in which case, switch to the "Importer Settings" tab and enable the "Automatically rescan remote import paths every" setting and use default value of 90min or whatever you prefer.

    If none of that works, it is time to provide debug-enabled log files where you recreate the issue, so the log files will reveal exactly what the problem is on your system. Failure to recreate the issue so that it gets captured in log files, means the log files are useless and nobody can help. Be sure to include all log files as well, as source of the problem might be something else (some other plugin, MediaPortal itself, etc).


    Portal Member
    April 22, 2010
    Home Country
    Austria Austria
    my missing movies are not shown in the movie importer. sorry i forget to write that in my first entry.

    I tried the "automatically rescan remote import paths" setting. It was unchecked. I checked that and set the timer to 30minutes. I'm not sure when he is doing the rescan. which window sould be opened? the movingpictures configuration? mediaportal with moving pictures plugin? I tried with started mediaportal and movingpictures but it don't find any movie. After 35-45 minutes I changed back to the config and the importer also find no new movie. I checked again my movie path and the movies are in there.

    So I think it's time for your last step: the log files. Could you help me a little bit. I never postet my log files bevor. Where can I enable the debug mode? which log files do you need? whats the best way to reproduce my problem? copy files again to the movie path and start the moving picture config with importer?


    Extension Developer
  • Premium Supporter
  • March 10, 2006
    If you reboot your computer and then open MovPic config again do the new movies magically appear?

    If that is the case, you have some other programming putting a 'lock' on the files preventing MovPic from importing. This could be your Anti-Virus software, download solutions such as uTorrent/etc, or any other daemon you have running that would interfere.

    This of course shows in log files, but might be easier way for u to debug via the above steps. As for how to get debug log files, there is an easy link in your start menu for MediaPortal to generate a ZIP file containing all of the log files required (be sure to reproduce error, as in actually try add a new movies, or log files are useless). Then just attach the zip file to a reply on this thread.

    Another way to test for filelocks would be to use a 3rd party tool called ProcessExplorer from SysInternals (now owned by Microsoft). Explained @


    Portal Member
    April 22, 2010
    Home Country
    Austria Austria
    no the movies don't appear after restart. I tried some times befor posting here.

    I tried with ProcessExplorer but nothing is locking the file.

    So I created log files for you. hopefully they show something usefull!


    Extension Developer
  • Premium Supporter
  • March 10, 2006
    Log files do not show anything.

    So you are sure you recreated the issue? As in add a new movie/file to your import location? Log file shows it as:

    03-Oct-2012 20:52:54  Info [      MovieImporter]: Started watching '\\SYNOLOGY-NAS\video\Movie' (Network) - Path is now being monitored for changes.

    If you indeed added a movie to that path, then you seem to have serious issues, because nothing shows up. Check into Synology firmware updates as it might have a serious SAMBA flaw in it.

    A final option is that the movie already imported, but got grouped along with another file, because you have the Moving-Pictures setting enabled "Always Group Files In The Same Folder" (which can be found on the "Importer Settings" tab). To figure that out (without knowing SQL queries), you open the "Movie Manager" tab and change the drop down selection from "Movie Details" to "File Details". Then you select your first movie at the left sided list and use the down arrow on your keyboard to move down the list as quick as your brain can keep up with paying attention to the "Playback order" view on how many files are 'grouped' together to represent that movie entry.

    It is normally designed to have Movie.CD1.avi and Movie.CD2.avi playback as a single 'movie', but you might very well have ended up with "Foo.avi" and "Bar.avi" that are two seperate movies, but grouped together as one, due to that "Always Group..." setting.

    If you find one of those entries, just use the drop down menu from the gear icon to "Send to Importer" (with that "Always Group..." setting disabled of course), and it should re-import each file individually again.
    Last edited:


    Portal Member
    April 22, 2010
    Home Country
    Austria Austria
    the problem is solved. i found my missing movies added to other movies. monster was sorted in monsters vs aliens. scar was in scary movie. i disabled the auto group function, send both movies back to importer and get 4 movies! now everything is fine again. thanks a lot!!

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