1.10.0 MP 1.10.0 Final Hangs on Stop of TV (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
May 9, 2008
Home Country
Poland Poland
since MP 1.10.0 Final that I installed two weeks ago, MP hangs nearly everytime I stop TV :(
Before that I used MP 1.7.0 and this was super stable and hadn't such issues. So I tried to see if it's config related TV-Server and MP but found nothing that could change this behaviour. I have no clue what is causing that Problem :(

Attached my logs can be found, where I stoped the TV and the Problem appeared again. So I killed MP using TaskMgr.

After that I can restart MP, but TV-Service seems not to react and I get the Msg that no card is available. I can also start TV-Setup, but when I try to enter the Cards, the Setup seems to crash, too.

THX for your help in forward and regards


Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • February 23, 2008
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    Hi ARE2,

    I had a quick peak at your logs, and i suspect you have a corrupt registry settings somewhere:
    Die Zeichenfolgen der Leistungsindikatoren in der Leistungsindikatorenregistrierung werden beschädigt wenn der Prozess Performance" auf dem Erweiterungsleistungsindikator-Anbieter ausgeführt wird. Der Wert "BaseIndex" aus der Leistungsregistrierung ist das erste DWORD im Datenbereich, der Wert "LastCounter" ist das zweite DWORD im Datenbereich und der Werte "LastHelp" ist das dritte DWORD im Datenbereich."

    I would suggest to run the following command on the PC from command prompt:
    sfc /scannow

    Can you reproduce the 'hang' when you start your client using the WatchDog (see desktop for shortcut) option 1?


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 1, 2008
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    Hello ARE2 and Jeroen (happy new year!) :)

    To me this looks like a deadlock in TV Server.
    In the client logs you can see:
    [2015-01-06 20:25:35,986] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - TVHome:turn tv off

    Then on the server side:
    [2015-01-06 20:25:36,089] [Log ] [19 ] [INFO ] - Controller: StopTimeShifting 5
    [2015-01-06 20:25:36,094] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: LoadSettings()
    [2015-01-06 20:25:36,104] [Log ] [19 ] [INFO ] - Controller: epg stop
    [2015-01-06 20:25:36,105] [Log ] [19 ] [DEBUG] - CardTuner.RequestCardStopReservation: placed reservation with id=13, user=HTPC
    [2015-01-06 20:25:36,209] [Log ] [19 ] [DEBUG] - CardTuner.Stop: ticket id=13, found=True
    [2015-01-06 20:25:36,240] [Log ] [19 ] [INFO ] - Stop cardid=5, ticket=13, tunestate=Idle, stopstate=Stopping
    [2015-01-06 20:25:36,241] [Log ] [19 ] [INFO ] - card Hauppauge WinTV 88x DVB-S/S2 Tuner/Demod: StopTimeShifting user:HTPC sub:0
    [2015-01-06 20:25:36,242] [Log ] [19 ] [DEBUG] - card not IDLE - removing user: HTPC
    [2015-01-06 20:25:36,244] [Log ] [19 ] [DEBUG] - usermanagement.RemoveUser: HTPC, subch: 0 of 1, card: 5
    [2015-01-06 20:25:36,245] [Log ] [19 ] [INFO ] - user:HTPC remove
    [2015-01-06 20:25:36,246] [Log ] [19 ] [INFO ] - subch:0-0 tswriter StopTimeshifting...
    [2015-01-06 20:25:36,249] [Log ] [19 ] [INFO ] - tvcard:FreeSubChannel: subchannels count 1 subch#0
    [2015-01-06 20:25:36,250] [Log ] [19 ] [INFO ] - DVB subch:0 Decompose()
    [2015-01-06 20:25:36,253] [Log ] [19 ] [INFO ] - FreeSubChannel CA: freeing sub channel : 0
    [2015-01-06 20:25:36,275] [Log ] [PS StandbyWakeup] [DEBUG] - PS: SetWakeupTimer()
    [2015-01-06 20:25:36,279] [Log ] [19 ] [INFO ] - tvcard:FreeSubChannel : no subchannels present, pausing graph
    [2015-01-06 20:25:36,281] [Log ] [19 ] [INFO ] - dvb:confused:topGraph called
    [2015-01-06 20:25:36,283] [Log ] [19 ] [INFO ] - tvcard:FreeAllSubChannels
    [2015-01-06 20:25:36,284] [Log ] [19 ] [INFO ] - dvb:confused:topGraph

    Next line I'm expecting to see somewhere there is "debug: IMediaControl stopped! hr = 0x0 :)", but it never comes. Deadlock. :(

    So, at this point the client is locked waiting for the server, and the server is locked waiting for the DirectShow/BDA graph to stop.

    What more can be seen?
    In the TsWriter log we see:
    [2015-01-06 20:25:36,285] [bbb57b0] [914] - CMpTsFilter::pause()
    [2015-01-06 20:25:36,285] [bbb57b0] [914] - Pause filter...
    [2015-01-06 20:25:36,285] [bbb57b0] [914] - HRESULT = 0x0
    [2015-01-06 20:25:36,287] [bbb57b0] [914] - CMpTsFilter::confused:top()
    [2015-01-06 20:25:36,287] [bbb57b0] [914] - Stop streaming...
    [2015-01-06 20:25:36,287] [bbb57b0] [914] - Stop filter...
    [2015-01-06 20:25:36,287] [bbb57b0] [914] - HRESULT = 0x0

    So TsWriter receives the pause and stop commands, and obeys them successfully. I guess some other filter in the graph fails to stop. In my experience it has usually been the tuner filter, but we don't really have any way to know.

    Either way, I'm pretty sure nothing has changed in this part of TV Server since MP 1.6. Have you "upgraded" the tuner driver, or changed something else with your PC?
    Does downgrading to MP 1.7.1 fix the problem?



    Portal Pro
    May 9, 2008
    Home Country
    Poland Poland
    Hi to ya all,
    1st wish you a happy new year too! :)
    2nd Big thx for having a look into my logs!
    3rd Sry, for my late reply, a lot of work on new year start!

    @HomeY: Started the Scan and you can find the result attached. It says that some damaged files were found and could not be repaired!?! Strange how that could happen :\ !?

    @mm1352000: I've updated my NVidia driver, but that was after the problem occured. Furthermore I installed two mpeg2 encoder for recording analog TV and the Software WinTV7. But using WinTV7 I've deactivated the Hauppauge WinTV Server service. Nevertheless the problem still persists. I will now try to uninstall WinTV and the encoders. If this doesn't help, I will have to downgrade to 1.7.0, but hope that this won't be neccessary.

    THX & Regards


    Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • February 23, 2008
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    @HomeY: Started the Scan and you can find the result attached. It says that some damaged files were found and could not be repaired!?! Strange how that could happen :\ !?
    It seems you have 27 files which can't be reparied (search the log for 'Cannot repair member file' to have a look/find them).
    In case mm1352000's suggestions didn't help, you could try to repair the damaged system files manually. In case of Windows 7, the best way seems to be to do an in-place upgrade of your OS. Here's a link with more info on that:

    There are other alternatives mentioned which could help in fixing the files or tracking down the problem.
    Please read the first post after the screenshot!


    Portal Pro
    May 9, 2008
    Home Country
    Poland Poland
    @HomeY: Started the Scan and you can find the result attached. It says that some damaged files were found and could not be repaired!?! Strange how that could happen :\ !?
    It seems you have 27 files which can't be reparied (search the log for 'Cannot repair member file' to have a look/find them).
    In case mm1352000's suggestions didn't help, you could try to repair the damaged system files manually. In case of Windows 7, the best way seems to be to do an in-place upgrade of your OS. Here's a link with more info on that:

    There are other alternatives mentioned which could help in fixing the files or tracking down the problem.
    Please read the first post after the screenshot!

    THX! I will have a look on that!


    Portal Pro
    May 9, 2008
    Home Country
    Poland Poland
    Repaired my system as suggested before.
    Uninstalled everything that I added into my system since 1.7.0, upgrade to 1.10.0. and additionally made a clean uninstall from MP 1.10.0 and reinstalled and configured from scratch. Same-Result like before :(

    Next Step, revert back to 1.7.0... when I find the time for it... will keep you informed.



    Portal Pro
    May 9, 2008
    Home Country
    Poland Poland
    reinstalled Win7 and mediaportal 1.10.0 from scratch and now the problem seems to be gone, but have to test a little more and now another Problem occured concerning th WinTV-Ci



    Retired Team Member
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  • September 1, 2008
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    Ahhhh, a WinTV CI. That could have been causing the original problem.
    What is the new problem?
    If you want us to help then we'll need a description and fresh log files.

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