MP 1.12, HD HomeRun Prime, Unknown Error, Unable to start graph (1 Viewer)


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  • September 1, 2008
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    This "timestamp" thing is in filter very long time. Maybe something changed in CableCARD tuners.
    I don't think the CableCARD tuners have changed recently. Here I have a Wireshark capture from May 2013 which shows the same product producing an RTP stream with header timestamp always set to 0. That's why I guessed something on the filter side changed... but maybe it never worked at all.

    Thanks for the patch. :)


    Portal Member
    December 31, 2015
    Home Country
    United States of America United States of America
    A chance to try it came sooner than I expected. Looks to me like it's working.

    Here's what I did.

    1. Went to the Media Portal Extension and installed version of the "Media Portal IPTV filter and source splitter".
    2. Went to the TV-Server Configuration app and enabled the filter.
    3. Manually restarted the TV-Server.
    4. Tried a time-shift. Worked.
    5. Stopped the time-shift and tried watching a channel from the client. Worked.
    6. Looked at MPIPTVSource.log. Places where I was getting [Error] before are now executing successfully.
    7. Just to go wild, I restarted the entire HTPC machine.
    8. Tried watching a channel from the client. Worked.
    9. With #8 running, tried a time-shift from the TV-Server Configuration app. Worked.
    10. With both #8 and #9 running, tried watching a channel from a different client. Worked.
    11. At that point, all three tuner lights on my HDHR were on, and everything was working.

    By George! I think you've got it. At least as far as I can tell.

    Thanks again for all the help!

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