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I make a bug raport about D3D problem with screen resolution problem to Scathia and no reply. I found this topic and solve this problem.

I make a bug raport about Wifi plugin problem - no answare....

Why make a bug raport with still no reply or with no help. Why install new MePo version if old working stable. In my case 1.5 workingmuch stable but I have a problem with D3D when resolution changing - 2 monitors. In 1.6 no problem with resolution (with this patch) but I have problem with  Recording shuttering, long MePo loading (startup), problem with skin - someone (programist) change a skin ID in recordings (in recording loading wrong xml - VideoOSD.xml, in last MePo version was correct - TVOSD.xml).

If someone is a good guy, please add a version based on 1.5 Big thanks.

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