MP-4212 My Videos internal scrapers rework (1 Viewer)


Lead Dev MP1 Videos
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  • March 18, 2009
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    Croatia Croatia
    Dunno what's wrong, but errors in log shows that your MP is dead beacuse of:

    Methode nicht gefunden: "Boolean MediaPortal.Player.g_Player.get_AutoCommercialSkip() and this method does not exist in Mp 1.5.0.

    Do you use some other patches because my files are for pure and clean 1.5.0 official release.


    Lead Dev MP1 Videos
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  • March 18, 2009
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    Croatia Croatia
    Just to say that I checked also skins as dialogvideoinfo.xml must use #thumb property for covers, and other screens use #selectedthumb and (at least what is in master branch) are ok.


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  • August 7, 2005
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    Just to say that I checked also skins as dialogvideoinfo.xml must use #thumb property for covers, and other screens use #selectedthumb and (at least what is in master branch) are ok.

    So Titan and DefaltWide skins should be okay?


    Retired Team Member
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  • August 7, 2005
    Cardiff, UK
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    What you will get from installation, yes, they are ok.

    Thanks. It is really weird that I can reproduce the problem every time and you cannot. Any benefit in me sending you my video database?


    Lead Dev MP1 Videos
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  • March 18, 2009
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    Croatia Croatia
    So I recheck for 1000th time cover change and can nor see any issue within myvides plugin. All process goes like this

    1. Open Video info screen (by scan new movie or click on already grabbed movie, grabbing process is not relevant as it is finished before video info screen is open)
    2.Video info screen starts thread to get other cover url links (this is not download of covers or hosting downloaded images somewhere on disk or memory). You will not see number of extra covers until cover search thread ends and you can't click on spin button until those founded covers became visible. Cover numbers are equal to founded + one you see already which is number one.
    3. You click on spin button (Down or Up)
    4. Visible cover link is removed from global files cache in MP core, small and large thumbs inC:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs\Videos\Title directory are being deleted

    MP log will show something like this:
    [2013-10-10 21:02:40,503] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Util: FileDelete C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs\Videos\Title\Keep the Lights On{1}.jpg successful.
    [2013-10-10 21:02:40,505] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Util: FileDelete C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs\Videos\Title\Keep the Lights On{1}L.jpg successful.
    [2013-10-10 21:02:40,506] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - GUIVideoInfo: Refresh image: New Image url ->

    5. I create temp file in %tmp% directory, I do immediately delete as I need only file name and use that name with .jpg extension

    MP log will show something like this:
    [2013-10-10 21:02:40,509] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Util: FileDelete C:\Tmp\tmp18AC.tmp successful.

    6. url for cover is sent to MP core download from Internet method

    7. Download method use url and use this -> string url = String.Format("mpcache-{0}", EncryptLine(strURL)); to create download filename (something like this: mpcache-4276735546)

    8. Download method check in IE user cache directory did we already download that file (same url + encryption will always give the same filename)
    Directory is: C:\Users\[user name]\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files

    This is the root of IE cache dir, not cache from InternetExplorer and MP saves it's files in root. This folder is system folder and it's hidden so it is not visible like ordinary directories.

    If encrypted filename exists there, image is not downloaded but just copied from cached filed to tmp file from point 5, if cached file do not exist, it is been downloaded and saved to tmp file from point 5

    MP cache encrypted files there just that already downloaded images are not downloaded again and again from Internet thus saving your bandwidth.

    in %tmp% dir something like this will be created ->%tmp%tmp1CD3.tmp.jpg

    9. I check existence for this file and forward this filename to MP core CreateImage method for creation of small and large thumb with parameter for filename to be exactly as MovieTitle{movieId}

    10. MP core CreateImage reads tmp file and creates in C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs\Videos\Title 2 files:
    MovieTitle{movieId}.jpg ->small thumb
    MovieTitle{movieId}L.jpg ->large thumb

    MP Log will show something like this:
    [2013-10-10 21:02:21,824] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - GUIVideoInfo Refresh image: Creating new image -> C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs\Videos\Title\Keep the Lights On{1}.jpg
    [2013-10-10 21:02:21,966] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - GUIVideoInfo Refresh image: Creating new image -> C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs\Videos\Title\Keep the Lights On{1}L.jpg

    11. I delete temp file

    MP log will show something like this:
    [2013-10-10 21:02:22,006] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - Util: FileDelete C:\Tmp\tmpCFA0.tmp.jpg successful.

    12. And call set skin properties method which should refresh data on screen including images (just forward skin properties data and it is up to MP to do the refresh job).

    This is all, nothing can interfere new cover creation from my videos module as all is straight and no background process from myvideos mess something

    All I can say that could cause problems is:

    1. user account on which MP is started doesn't have rights to read/write in %temp% or C:\Users\[user name]\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files directories
    2. some external process blocks files which are created from MP (like antivirus programs) and prevents for some time their access or deletion
    3.Your %tmp% folder is full of garbage and needs cleaning
    4. something is wrong while reading/writing files in C:\Users\[user name]\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files and you always get back the same cached file for one videofile (this I really can't explain)
    5. Download of image fails and cover is not changed even you see that they are exist in spin button (if this happens, something must be logged in MP error log)
    6. Internal Cover grabbers are broken and resulting urls are garbage (that you can easily check in log with line like:
    [2013-10-10 21:02:21,811] [Log ] [MPMain ] [DEBUG] - GUIVideoInfo: Refresh image: New Image url -> . If link is strange it is immediately visible, also you can copy link and try to see it from your Internet Browser
    7. Something is wrong in MP set properties methods concerning images if the same property value is pushed more than once, but content of image is different (hardly the case as I never had that problem)
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